Chapter 21

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Everything you need to know about the historic referendum tomorrow in short
And what we know so far...
Tomorrow every person from the age of 18 living in Scotland has the chance to cast their vote in this new referendum.
If the Scottish people vote against it nothing will change. Scotland will remain part of the United Kingdom.
If however they vote for their independence we will witness a process that has never happened before in modern history.
Not only will this result in Scotland becoming an independent country it but will also put a new head of state in place.
HRH Princess Madeleine of Edinburgh would take on this role as Queen.
The European Union, the Commonwealth of Nations and NATO have already announced they will acknowledge an independent Scotland hinting that they will allow it into their folds.
Currently the polls are slightly in favour for the Independence but most of the asked people claimed not be sure yet as to how they will decide tomorrow.
Results are not expected to be in until the morning after the voting polls have closed so we are looking at a very exiting day and potentially a very long night for not just the people in Scotland but in the whole United Kingdom and basically all around the whole world.

Maddie couldn't keep still that day. She knew there were no outings scheduled but she still kept checking her watch and phone every five seconds.
"M'am you need to sit down."
"No I can't I... I don't know I just can't."
"Maddie, Phil is right. You need to take a break. You've been pacing around the palace since you got up this morning."
"And you didn't even have a proper breakfast, M'am."
Maddie stopped for a second looking at Henry and Phil who were both following her.
"Since when do you two agree on something?"
The two men shared a short look, shrugging their shoulders simultaneously.
"Actually more often than not." Henry realised. Phil agreed with a simple nod.
"Have we issued the statement that I wont exercise my right to vote to remain impartial?"
"Yes, M'am. As you have instructed."
"Maddie." Henry took a step towards his girlfriend placing his hands on her shoulders. "Maddie, you need to take a break."
Maddie just looked at him without moving still breathing heavily.
Finally she raised her hands resting them on Henry's forearms, lowering her head between them to take a few deep breaths.
"I think I need some air. Are you coming with me?"
Henry let go of her shoulders cupping her face instead.
"I promised you I wouldn't leave your side today."  He gently kissed her forehead.
"Phil, please keep me updated."
"Of course, M'am."
Maddie grabbed Henry's hand before heading towards the nearest door leading outside to the garden.
Before she could even think about pacing again Henry gently guided her towards a bench.
Sitting down he put his arm around her while Maddie snuggled right into him.
For the first time that day she felt herself releasing at least some of the tension in her body.
Two footman slowly approached them handing them their jackets.
"Thank you."
"How did they know?" Henry still looked behind them in surprise while putting his jacket on.
"Phil must have send them. The very last thing he wants is for me to catch a cold out here in the chilly March-air."
"He is really watching out for you, isn't he?"
"Yes. And he does so much more than that. During our time together up here he has become a confidante, a friend. Someone who I can always count on to be in my corner no matter what. Now I know I have you in my corner too but when I moved here over a year ago the palace and my job left me rather lonely."
"So you two became close?"
Maddie turned her face so she was able to look at him properly.
"Mr Cavill, do I detect a hint of jealousy in this question?"
Henry didn't look at her trying to keep a straight face.
"No... I just... I just always... wondered. We never talked about it." He added shrugging his shoulders.
He finally broke his stare into the garden bringing himself to look at Maddie who bursted with laughter as soon as their eyes locked.
Her laughter got so wild Henry had to tighten his grip around her to prevent her from falling of the bench.
"Glad to see my thoughts amuse you."
"Oh honey, please don't say it like this. It's just... its just..." Maddie held up her finger while bursting out into laughter again.
"I mean... Oh this is amazing." She wiped the tears from her eyes taking a few deep breaths before getting up straight to cup Henry's face.
"You do know that Phil is engaged to be marrying his fiancé in a few month right?"
"He is?"
"Yes. They got engaged on their ten years anniversary last November. Actually on your first weekend up here."
"Don't worry, I wont tell him." She kissed him. "Worries turned off?"
"Hm, not quite. I think you have to do that again." Henry's tensed face turned back into a smile while Maddie leaned in for another kiss.
"Alright I think I had enough time sitting down. Lets take a walk. Where's Kal? Doesn't he need a walk again?"
"Honey you walked my poor dog five times already. He is probably hiding from you."
"Right. Well then you will have to do." Maddie jumped up, sticking her tongue out at Henry.
"Did you just put my dog in front of me in rating our companionship?" Trying to look cross he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"If the shoe fits." Sticking out her tongue again she slowly took a few steps backwards.
Henry jumped up so quickly he almost fell over trying to reach her.
This time Maddie was way quicker than him running away trough the big garden.
Between some bushes she stopped to catch her breath.
It took Henry only a few seconds to catch up with her.
"I am definitely getting too old for this."
"No, darling. We will never get too old for this I hope." He pulled her in for a passionate kiss.
"Hey,I have an idea." Holding Maddie's face between his hands he gave her kiss on her forehead.
Maddie closed her eyes while still trying to catch her breath.
"Why don't you take me up to the Arthur's Seat tomorrow? You have been planning this for ages right? We could go up there to watch the sunrise. Just you and me."
"I doubt we can sneak away from my security details. Especially not on a day like today and tomorrow."
"Fine, so we'll take them with us. They can stay a few metres behind us right?"
"Yes, they can behave like ghost if I want them or need them too."
"I am not quite sure I can get ever used to that. How did you manage that?"
"I am not quite sure I did. But living this kind of life there are so many things that work differently than what I used to know before this. I guess I..." Maddie shrugged her shoulders a little before straightening them looking ahead over the garden. "I guess I just learned to accept all those things and live with them. And funnily enough and I never thought I would say that but I like my life here. Sure it is full of responsibility which could very well become much heavier from tomorrow morning on but it is also full of possibilities. I can help people. I can make a change. And this possibility to have an impact on people's life, to ... to change the world even just a little bit. Well that just keeps me going. That is what won't let me give up."
Maddie broke her gaze over the garden looking back at her boyfriend who had been smiling at her through her whole speech.
"You, Madeleine Sophie, are the most amazing person I have ever met."
Maddie broke the connection between their eyes looking down.
Henry gently lifted her chin up so their eyes could lock again.
"You are the personified inspiration and I have no idea why you have picked me, but I hope I get to stay by your side for a very, very long time to witness your work, your passion and your drive. I love you."
"Please don't say that if you don't mean it." Maddie's eyes fogged up. She had already felt it during every word Henry said. She had her hands placed on his hips holding tightly onto them.
"I mean it. Every single word of it..." His words were a whisper but they led her to tighten her grip into his shirt.
"But what if... what if..." A single tear ran down her cheek.
"Maddie, I know how scared you are. You are scared of having something real again. Because you had that and it was taken away from you in the worst way imaginable. You are scared that I will do the same. That I wake up one day and decide to walk away. That I wont be there tomorrow. But I will be. I solemnly swear that I will not walk away. I know you can't trust in that right now. I know you can't trust in me right now and I am not asking you to. I am asking you to believe. You believe in so many things. So please believe in me. Believe in me that I will not leave you, that I will be there for you no matter what. Believe in me staying. Because this is exactly what I am doing. And I am willing to prove that for the rest of my life. For every second of every day for the rest of our life's."
His voice was close to cracking towards the end, his eyes had watered up too.
"I look at you and..." He took a deep breath trying to steady his voice. "I look at you and don't simply see everything I have ever wished for. I look at you and I see my future."
Maddie hadn't looked away once during everything he said. She was sure she didn't even blink. She didn't want to miss even just a second of this moment.
Snuffling she took a deep breath before answering him. "I love you Henry Cavill."
Slowly she pulled him in for a kiss. "I want to make a promise myself. I know I have my issues trusting anybody but I will never stop building up my trust in you. I will continue to work on this every day."
Henry wiped away another tear before pulling her in for a tight hug. The two of them stood there as if the world around them stopped turning. They only felt each other. They only needed each other.

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