Chapter 8

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"Tapadh leibh, a Mhnathan uaisle, airson fàilte a chuir orm an seo an-diugh.
Thank you, Ladies and Gentleman, for welcoming me here today. I really hope I got close to pronouncing that right." Maddie had expected some sort of reaction to her speaking Gaelic for the first time in public on her first engagement as Princess of Edinburgh in Scotland. But the laughter she now heard from the crowd was not what she had in mind. The people sounded honestly and positively entertained by her attempt. And there was no chattering or whispering as she had feared.
The crowd standing in front of the stage she had been put on was about doubled the number anyone had expected for her first outing. Nobody had dared to make an assumption about it but they all had been clear that no big crowd was expected.
"I am very honoured to be invited here today at Lochcarrons to open this museum as new edition to the factory. Tartan always has been a treasured part of the Scottish identity for over centuries and still is to this day and as I suspect for many more years to come. I can not wait to learn more about this identity everyday starting here and today. Gur math a thèid leat."
With the Gaelic version of "Good luck" Maddie cut the blue ribbon in front of her. The audience clapped and cheered.
Along with the first visitors Maddie was guided through the museum receiving her very own Tartan in the end.
"We made it especially for you, Your Royal Highness."
"Thank you, that is very kind. Should I ty it on?"
"There is a mirror right here."

„Princess Madeleine's first outing turns into a blast."

„Princess Madeleine opens the new museum at Lochcarrons."

„Princess Madeleine learns Gaelic to connect with the Scottish National Identity, source claims."

„Is Princess Madeleine winning back the Scottish People for the Royal family?"

"I think it's safe to say that nobody expected what we got to see there yesterday. Madeleine charmed everyone being there with her first attempts on speaking Gaelic and even though you really can't count the Scottish People as Monarchists in general everybody asked was enchanted by her. She seemed very much at ease in this though environment. Every time a member of the Royal family visits Scotland everybody is tensed and on very high alert as to how the visit will be perceived. But she has just mastered it. Of course she is not here to visit but here to stay. So we will have see how this works in the future but maybe setting her up in Scotland was one of the biggest coups our Queen has ever done."

"She was a success. I can not believe it. She smashed it."
"Relax, we'll wait and see. This was her first outing. Given time she will put a foot wrong. Everyone does."
"But what if she doesn't? We have to consider the impact she could have on another referendum for Scottish Independence."
"As I said, lets wait. Another referendum is still way ahead of us. For now lets relax. Like everyone of them she will remain politically neutral."
"So is The Queen herself but everybody knows how that worked out the last time."
"Still I don't think she is thread. The Queen is a beloved figure and even up here respected for her life of devotion and service. This new so-called Princess only got here because she has been jilted at the... well she didn't even make it to the altar. I think this whole thing will revoke itself given time. People only need to start to question the legitimation of her new royal status."
"And if they don't?"
"Then we are still here to ask them to start to. We are the elected Politicians of this country and our job is to serve it's best interest."
"Ladies and Gentlemen please take your seats. The parliamentary session will start in five minutes."

"I think you did wonderfully my dear and today's papers are praising you around the country."
"Thank you, Kate. I must say I am quite relieved to be honest. Given the circumstances things could have been very differently. And I am still a little worried how things will work out a little further down the line. When the excitement of the "new face" has died down."
"I wouldn't worry too much about it, Maddie. I mean yes this point might come, but you'll get through this. And do you know why? Because you are brilliant at what you are doing and you will not be alone."
Maddie smiled and looked outside the morning room window.
Kate was right. And against all the odds Maddie felt incredibly safe and welcomed here. Like she had always been meant to end up here in Scotland.
"Thank you. But I am afraid we will have to leave it at that. I gotta go. I am interviewing the finale candidates for the position of my private secretary."
"You are doing it yourself?"
"Yes. I figured it would be best. Whomever I will choose I will spend more time with than with my family or friends so I want to make sure I like spending my time with them."
"Alright that does sound sensible. Did the office send you people to choose from?"
"They did. I got the files and chose five of them for a final interview. They must be arriving any minute now. Promise we'll speak soon Kate."
"Of course. Good luck with the interview."
Maddie put the phone down and took a step closer to the ceiling high window. The view over the palace garden mesmerised her every single time. The calming swaying of the big trees and the perfect trimmed grass made it perfect. A little paradise of calm.
The interviews went down well. In fact far better than Maddie would have expected them to.
She got along with everyone of the candidates and since they all had a been sent from the palace she could be sure of their reputation and work ethic. All of them were part of the Royal household for quite some time and had been either working in Buckingham Palace directly or for other members of the Firm.
Phil had been working in the office of Buckingham Palace for four years already after graduating with a degree in public relations and international affairs. Not only did he manage the social media output he also worked well with the respective private secretaries in order to coordinate shared posts.
Maddie already knew him from previous meetings and had always felt safe trusting his advise.
"So, Mr. Presley, what do you say? Are you up for the job?"
"It will be my genuine pleasure, M'am."
"Great, I had hoped you would say that. I am very much looking forward to working together with you." Extending her hand Maddie's smile widened. Now she was no longer alone on this crazy journey. Now she had someone in her corner.

How she became The Queen of Scotland حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن