Chapter 19

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Jungkook's eyes fluttered open when the daylight assaulted his closed eyelids.

Jungkook hadn't even realized when he dozed off. He slowly looked around to take in his surroundings. He was still in the motel that he came in last night when Lily called him here.

Last wasn't just any night.

It was filled with emotions, trauma, pain, dilemma and turmoil. Both for Lily and Jungkook. Jungkook's turmoils seemed way lesser than Lily as she held on to him whole night and cried her heart out for hours silently. Jungkook's heart clenched remembering how she was shaking in his arms. How she tried to stop crying but couldn't. How his shirt was getting wet by her continuous tears. Jungkook could only wish he could take away all the tears, all the pain. But on the other hand, he was slightly glad. That is what made Lily humane.

Jungkook was half lying on the bed right now, Lily wasn't beside him. Jungkook looked around, trying to spot Lily. He quickly found Lily, standing beside the window basking in the sunlight and drinking a beer. She looked so calm, so peaceful.

"Why are you drinking beer as the first thing in the morning? And where did you even find the beer?" Jungkook asked, sitting up straight.

"I've my ways,"Lily said and slowly turned to face him.

Jungkook took in her features carefully. Jungkook doesn't know if it was fortunate or unfortunate that her stoic, ice cold expression was back. No hint of feelings were found in her pale face. As if last night's Lily and this Lily were two completely different people, from two different worlds. The only proof of what happened last night was not a fever dream was her red puffy eyes.

"Are you.."

Jungkook was cut off,"Yes. I am fine. There's nothing to be not fine about."

Jungkook sighed. This again. She is again avoiding this whole thing as if it didn't happen. And right now she is telling this to herself, more than she's telling him. She's consoling herself for 'slipping' from the persona she's created over the years.

"Let's stop pretending, Lily, how does that sound?"Jungkook asked.

"I'm not pretending, Jungkook. Never was. This person you see right now in front of you is the real me."

Jungkook shook his head.

Lily squashed the empty beer can in her hand, threw it in the bin and changed the topic,"Doyoung has committed the gravest mistake last night that I'm gonna make sure he pays. I'm never gonna forgive his ass for this bullshit. Never. Does he even know what he did last night? Does he know how hard I tried to not have this happen.."

"Aren't you gonna ask about Soobin? Aren't you curious?"

Lily's rant came to a standstill. She got completely silent at the mention of Soobin's name. She looked like she had a lot to say but nothing came out of her lips.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows, trying to get a reaction out of her,"No? I will take it as a no the.."

" is he? Is he..okay? Was his house safely? Is he..too shocked?..He didn't get hurt anywhere by any chance, right?"

Jungkook smiled,"That's a lot of questions for a person who supposedly doesn't give a shit about anyone."

Lily glared at him with her red puffy eyes. Which looked a bit comical in this heavy atmosphere.

"To answer your questions..he is okay. Well as okay as a boy whose sister ran away crying after seeing him can be. He had insisted on waiting for you to return. But knowing you, Doyoung told him there was no chance of your return last night so he dropped Soobin safely at home. Soobin really didn't want to go. His stubbornness reminded me of someone...guess this runs in the blood,"Jungkook smiled cheekily at his own remark which Lily's wasn't too amused by. But Jungkook continued,"And Yes, he was shocked by everything. Very shocked. And no he wasn't hurt anywhere last night. The end."

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