Chapter 18

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Is there a certain way an emotionless serial killer should look?

If someone asks you to think about how a serial killer looks like, what would you think?

Probably someone with big muscles, scary features, big bone chilling grin, disheveled hair? Probably something close.

But there's no way you would think a petite, small, young looking girl in a big oversized hoodie being confused about what meat to get for a barbecue party that she supposedly has 'no interest' in would be such a prolific serial killer.

At least that's what Jungkook feels looking at Lily in the grocery store, contemplating over if she should get pork belly or pork slices. Tonight is finally the dinner party they've been wanting to have. Doyoung already brought hanwoo and prepared the other things for barbecue. And Jungkook very graciously offered that they should get some other things as well. And now they are here, shopping for some items they thought they would need for the dinner. Lily had been saying all week that how much of a hassle this whole dinner is, how she hates the idea of eating with a kid and how unnecessary this whole thing is but Jungkook can tell how excited she is.

She obviously doesn't change her expression but Jungkook can tell by her aura that she is looking forward to tonight's dinner. She acts like she doesn't care but right now she is so concentrated on the grocery shopping in the oversized hoodie they brought for Jungkook a few days ago. She looks extra small in that big ass hoodie.


Shouldn't it be illegal for killers to look this adorable?

Jungkook couldn't hide his smile when she finally gave up deciding and put both the pork belly and pork slices in the shopping cart. Jungkook knew that would happen eventually.

Lily looked at Jungkook,"Should we get beer?"

"I think Doyoung already prepared beer,"Jungkook commented.

"A little bit more never hurt nobody,"Lily said,"Let's get soju too. Banana milk too. What does that kid like?"

Jungkook chuckled,"Gaeul also likes banana milk."

"Oh,"Lily said as she pushed the cart towards the refrigerator of the store,"You have the same palate as a seven year old, you should be ashamed."

"Stop being mean,"Jungkook said as he walked by her side, trying to hide his grin.

He was openly excited about tonight's dinner party.

It was gonna be so so fun!

"Jungkook-ah, I'm about to do something bad."

Well, that was the last thing Jungkook thought he would hear today at Doyoung's place while being pushed against a wall of a dark room with a very desperate and worried looking Doyoung grabbing his shoulders. The room was pretty dark, yet Doyoung's intense uncertainty and worry in his eyes could be seen.

Jungkook and Lily had reached Doyoung's house about half an hour ago. As soon as they reached they had started helping out Doyoung for the feast. Jungkook was so busy helping Lily and Gaeul with everything that he had failed to notice that Doyoung had been trying to get his attention since he had set his foot in the house. Doyoung was unable to tell him anything around Lily hence as soon as Lily and Gaeul went to the backyard to grill the meat, Doyoung grabbed Jungkook and brought him here.

"What the fuck, Doyoung? You scared me,"Jungkook said.

"Scared? Stop, this is nothing while I'm scared for my damn life,"Doyoung said.

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