"Yeah" Druig followed after you.

"The others are finishing the fight against the Deviants, we will be joining them momentarily" Ajak explained to everyone. You looked around, taking note of who all was left behind on the Domo.

Ajak. Leader of the Eternals, taking charge as she prepared you all to arrive on Earth for your mission. Tall woman with long flowing brown hair underneath her gold and blue helmet. She was talking to Phastos about where you would set down the Domo on the land below. Her ability's are healing physical wounds.

Phastos. One of the six thinkers of the Eternals, listening and brainstorming with Ajak about landing the Domo. Man with short dark hair and brown skin underneath his suit for protection. His ability's are creating mechanical technology to advance the humans.

Sersi. One of the six thinkers of the Eternals, talking to sprite about the wonderful world you were about to explore. Woman with shoulder length dark hair and matching brown eyes. Her ability's are changing the matter of objects.

Sprite. One of the six thinkers of the Eternals, listening to Sersi's excitement about the new planet. Short female with short red hair and an attitude. Her ability's are casting illusions.

Druig. One of the six thinkers of the Eternals, watching you from the side, trying not to get caught staring. Man with clear blue ocean eyes focused on you and only you. His ability's are mind control.

And yourself. The final thinker of the Eternals, taking in everything happening in the room. Your ability's are telepathic and empathic, meaning you can read minds and move objects with your own mind while also being able to read and control others emotions.

"It is time to join the others" Ajak caught your attention once again with her warm voice. You all nodded silently, following after her without any doubt in her leadership.

You felt the pride from Phastos as you stepped onto his design to take you to the surface. You felt the calmness from Ajak as she took in a deep breath and lead you down. You felt the excitement from Sersi, ready to meet the humans on Earth. You felt the boredom from Sprite as she let out a huff, stepping onto the disk Phastos created. And you felt the content from Druig as he stayed by your side through everything.


She ship came into view for the people below, the fighters taking down the Deviants. You all followed Ajak to the surface, Phastos disks delivering you to step onto the sandy beach. The wind gently blew your hair around, getting caught in your face. The air smelled of salt from the water under the Cliff you stood upon. Your feet sunk slightly, merging into the sandy ground beneath you.

You furrowed your brows as you felt fear and confusion from the humans. They stood back, spears pointed towards you all as though you were a threat. Druig calmly stepped beside you, raising his arm as his eyes turned a golden glow. With the flick of his hand all of the spears were dropped from the people.

"Y/n" Ajak prompted you to use your powers next. You gave her a nod before closing your eyes and raising your hands out towards the scared people. You took in a deep breath and calmed their nerves and fear, making them feel safe instead.

"Thank you, Ajak" Ikaris said blankly as she healed the cut on his shoulder given by a Deviant. She gave him a small smile before stepping in front of you all as the leader, the rest of you taking your places in a formation.

A young boy was nudged forward by the leader of the human group. Ajak nodded to Sersi in approval, the Thinker stepping forward carefully and picking up a danger made of rock and wood. She shaped it into a new golden danger that shone in the light. Sersi held it out for the boy to take as a peace offering. He reached out carefully, accepting it from her hand, forming the bond of humans and Eternals.


Over the next few days you got to meet the fighters.

Thena. One of the five fighters of the Eternals. She is a tall woman with flowing blond hair that never got in her way as she slayed down Deviants to protect the humans. Her suit was white with gold accents. Thena's ability's we're weapon conjuring.

Gilgamesh. One of the five fighters of the Eternals. He is strong, wearing his orange suits for protection in battles. His ability's are super strength, used to knock down Deviants who threaten the people of this planet.

Makkari. One of the five fighters of the Eternals. She always has her hair tied back in a braid to keep it out of her way when she speeds by. Her ability's are super speed, allowing her to take down Deviants before they even know she's there.

Ikaris. One of the five fighters of the Eternals. He has brown hair with a small piece of white and he wears a blue suit accented with gold. His ability's are flight and shooting laser beams from his eyes.

Kingo. One of the five fighters of the Eternals. He was always fixing his think dark hair whenever he got the chance, walking around with self pride. His ability's are shooting balls of energy from his hands.


"What happened to her?" Ajak panicked as Sersi rushed you into the lab. The thinkers had been busy at work in the lab all morning, you and Sersi out in the village helping the people with their daily tasks as request of Ajak.

"What's going on?" Druig stood from his spot at the back of the lab, making a beeline towards you when he head the commotion. Your breathing was quick and raged, hands shaking as tears fell from your eyes and you held your head as if you were in pain.

"I don't know" Sersi claimed with her own panic. "We walked into the village and she started acting like this"

"Ajak, do something!" Druig urged, hating to see you like this.

"She's not hurt" Ajak stated in confusion. "Here let me see her" she reached out, Sersi passing you over to place your weight onto the prime eternal.

"Well?" Druig grew impatient as a thick silence filled the usually busy lab, everyone waiting to hear what was wrong and if you would be okay.

"Everyone out" Ajak ordered.

"But—" Phastos started.



Question of the day: What do you think is wrong with y/n?

I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter and decide to stick around for the rest! This story was lots of fun to write and I can't wait to share it all with you!

Heart And Mind (Druig x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora