Chapter 3 boarding the plane

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Hi I'm Austin. I'm 10 years old. Austin was listening to music. I hear a voice. "Turn off the music!" it says. It doesn't sound like my parents' voice. I turn off the music, and start playing Minecraft. "Turn off those awful sounds!" yells the hideous voice again. My parents know at these sounds are Minecraft. Now, I start watching videos. "Turn those stupid voices off!" says that voice again. I look up, and see this cranky man. I push my ear plugs in. I take my earphones off. I can't hear anything. "Better now?" I said.

"No! You didn't stop when I told you to," said that that cranky guy. He jumped out of his seat, and ran towards me. He pulled my shirt. "Get your grimy hands off my brother!" Hank yells. The man's hands come off my shirt. He balls his fists. "You want to go?" he says in a menacing voice. He almost punches Hank. Stella kicks the guy. We all run away.

He is focused on me. Not Hank or Stella. He has serious anger issues. I hide under a chair. Now my dad asks,"Who wants to come with me to get breakfast?" "Me!" I say. We go to get breakfast. All there is, are muffins. I picked a chocolate chip one.

When we get back to he gate, I eat my muffin. It is very tasty. I'm so glad that we're old enough not to share food. My mom makes us share food sometimes, but not this time. I am happy. I really hope the violent guy gets over himself. I hide behind a pole just in case he has extreme anger issues. Just as I was about to take my last bite, I heard, "Get over here you imp!" It was the guy again. I quickly take my last bite.

I run away from the guy. Now, his big bag wife is chasing me. She is so fat. I couldn't believe that a man with extreme anger issues would get a wife. She was not much better than her cranky old husband. I hide behind another pole.

Finally, it is time to board the plane. I rush to board it. Then I saw them the guys with the black trunk. Those terrorists. Now, there are 5 people after me. I saw the terrorists board long before everyone else. "Those terrorists boarded the plane before us," I say to the person that is checking our tickets. She doesn't seem to believe me. It's hopeless now.

Now, we are walking over to get into the plane. Now, my family finally sees the people. "Can I sit at the window seat?" I ask Hank. He says, "Yes" "but I want to sit at the window," Stella complains. "It's for my own safety," I said. I get the window seat.

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