chapter 01, the last week

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I just woke up from the sound of my phone ringing at 3 in the God damn morning. It was Kat.

Kat- yo you up?

Y/n- no! Ya just woke me up!

Kat- oh sorry, but ya know how you're moving to LA after your college right???

Y/n- no fuckin shit, I planned it. Why

Kat- wellllll I was wondering if you wanted to live with your sister???

Y/n-no. No. No. NOOOO

Kat- why?

Y/n- I am old enough to not have someone else wipe my ass and feed me andddddd you have trouble understanding that we are no longer young! You are 22 and I am 20! Not 22 and 2!

Kat- I know, but I miss you! It's been about 6 years since I saw you!

Y/n- not my fault you got kicked out

Kat- we don't talk about that

Y/n- hmmmm or do we??

Kat- nope. But pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee can you live with me?? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee??

Y/n- nope

Kat- why are you so stubborn?!

Y/n- coz I can be

Kat- pleaseee?? 🥺

Y/n- fine!!! You are paying for my flight and food when I get there though!

Kat- no

Y/n- then Im not going to live with you

Kat- fineeee, when do you want it scheduled?

Y/n- two weeks from now

Kat-k, bye.

Y/n- bai!

I need to go back to sleep. I have school tomorrow. Fuckkkkkk I have to study for the exam!!!

~time skip~

I woke up not too long ago. At about 5 I think. But I need to get ready. I also need to take a shower.

~time skip again~

I guess I should wear my favorite outfit with some white vans with fake blood stains on it. I used em for a photoshoot with Kat 6 years ago ok? Tbh I'm surprised they still fit me. Anyways I should do my hair. I may dye it again. I woke up two and a half hours early. I'll dye it half f/c and half f/c. I am soooo stupid, I should of dyed my hair when I was in the shower. Fuckkkkkkkkkkk.

~time skip again coz idk how to describe it~

I kinda like it. I just know I'm gonna get told 'iF YoU KeeP dYEinG YoUr HaIr, iT WiLl FaLl ouT'. Anyways, I have class in about 3 hours. I dropped out and now I am going back to college,That's why I have class in the afternoon. I should go get something to eat I haven't eaten in a few weeks because I had a tissue infection, so almost every time I eat, I throw up. I know it sounds like I was starving my self, but I wasn't. Ooof I have a craving for Starbux and Chick-fil-A.

~time skip again~

What else should I do? I guess tweet that I am moving to LA.

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•the sister•jake webber x y/n•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt