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After hanging up, Jungkook could not help but laugh at himself.

In reality, he had a weak stomach since young, and he could not eat anything that was greasy or that could irritate his stomach. However, Lisa was a foodie. Hopefully, their kids would have the same appetite as her.

As he thought about kids,Jungkooks heart suddenly skipped a beat and he began to have some doubts.

He had been working hard to sow to seeds, but there seemed to be no response in that woman's body.

He began to regret the agreement he had with her. Three times per week? Was it too little?

He was reviewing a document in his office and became lost in his thoughts thinking of that woman.

He began to ridicule himself as he thought about the tri-weekly sessions.

He had forgotten that that vicious woman, for some unknown reason, had been sleeping separately from him...

She was getting increasingly bolder and had simply grown arrogant from being over-pampered!


The dinner was held in the large dining hall in the Upper Mansion.

When Old Master was still around, he loved to be surrounded by people and to enjoy a lively atmosphere. Hence, later on, he greatly expanded the size of this dining hall and had it renovated luxuriously as he dreamt of a lively scene where his children and grandchildren would dine together.

The wide floral-carved sandalwood long table could seat more than 20 people around it without a problem.

Old Mistress usually did not eat here. Nearer to the kitchen was a small dining room, which was where she normally had her meals when she was alone.

Today there were many people, so the atmosphere in the large dining hall livened up very quickly. Old Mistress could not help but smile from ear to ear.

When Jungkook arrived with Lisa, the white marble bowls and chopsticks had already been placed in position, and the nice-looking small bronze charcoal pots had been readied.

Butler Fu had purchased the old-fashioned small bronze single pots with came equipped with a charcoal burner specifically for the steamboat today. This was for two reasons – first, to keep warm, and second, because Old Mistress liked these kinds of traditional things.

Since it was a proper gathering, it was best if Old Mistress was in the best possible mood.

Everyone gathered around the table. Previously, each one of them had an assigned seating position. Old Mistress would sit at the head of the table, while the rest would be seated according to their age and seniority.

However, with the addition of Lisa and Clove today, there was a slight change in their seating.

Initially, Old Mistress had wanted Clove to sit at the seat right beside her, but she did not expect Clove to come up with her own plan.

"Grandmother, I'll sit with the brothers and sisters, then we can talk easily..."

Old Mistress felt that this made sense. She had come to the Jeon Family some time back, and though she looked similar to Eunha she had not, after all, experienced living together with everyone yet. It would be good for her to take this opportunity to become more familiar with the other brothers and sisters.

Somi stared at the woman with a suspicious glare. She was trying to figure out what kind of trick Clove was up to.

Lisa had not spoken a word to Jungkook from the moment they had entered the room.

When they sat down, she stuck close to Somi. By doing so, she left an empty seat between her and Jungkook.

Meanwhile, Some wanted to know if this woman would be so shameless as to sit beside Jungkook in the presence of Lisa.

She did not expect Clove to really walk over and take a seat beside Jungkook.

Somi could not stand it, and just as she was about to blow her cool, Lisa tugged at her underneath the table and shook her head.

Somi shot Lisa an enquiring gaze — what is going between you and my brother? Did you two quarreled?

Lisa did not want to talk about it. Although she was secretly disgusted by Clove's actions, she would just be asking for trouble if she were to stand up now and chase her away in the presence of Grandmother.

Old Mistress'over-protectiveness toward her was extremely obvious. Lisa was not stupid. If she were to voice out her annoyance in front of her, it would give Old Mistress the chance to reprimand her in front of everyone.

Clove was rather well-behaved as she sat down, smiling faintly and commenting, "I heard from Grandmother that when Elder Sister was young, Elder Sister would always brazenly bother Brother Jeon during meal times. She would take have a bite after Elder Brother himself had a bite..."

Jungkook's cold face remained unchanged. It carried the same coldness as if the story about Eunha she had just brought up had all but been forgotten by him!

His eyes, however, were fixed on Lalisa.

'Foolish woman. How can she allow others to sit beside her own husband just like that?'

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