Some assignment

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Vi's POV

"So, do you wanna go to the gym?" Y/n asks rubbing the back of her neck. Face still red. "I, uhhh, I can't because, I, have,.. I need to finish an assignment!" I made my way out the door. I then heard Y/n start chuckling. I went to my door and shut it. I hear another door shut and footsteps leaving. I sighed. I went back to eat my cereal but it was soggy. I threw it out and looked in my fridge for something else to eat.

A couple minutes later I hear another knock on the door. I went to open it. "Y/n I'm doing an-" I quickly realize it's not Y/n, but it's the the girl Caitlyn. "Oh? Hi" I greeted. "Hello, I wanted to thank you again for helping me yesterday." She said in her usual thick British accent. "You shouldn't be thanking me. You should be thanking Y/n" I rubbed the back of my neck. "But still, you were there, and when I crashed into you you didn't get mad or anything." She reasoned.

"It's fine really." I laughed nervously. "Do you want to go get some coffee? It's the Least I can do to thank you." She asked. "Uhh.." I don't know what to say. "Please? My treat." She pleaded. I sigh in defeat. "Sure, let me get changed." I agree. "You can come in." I move aside letting her in. "You can sit down if you'd like." I tell her walking to my room to get changed. I change from my pajamas and put on my shoes. I walk into my living room

"Alright let's go" I say as she stood up

- Time skip -
Y/n's POV


I'm working up a sweat, I pant still having more than enough energy to keep pulling myself up. I was playing the playlist that hypes me up. right now I'm listening to 'Alien Blues' by Vundabar. I hum to myself the lyrics still pulling myself up. After a few more I drop down then head to the weights. I put some gym chalk on my hands and put 200 pounds on each side of the barbell. I lay down on the set rub my hands together then pick it up. I struggle a bit but I still am able to do it.

As I lift it up I think back to what I saw on Vi's phone. Still having full control of the bar. My face heats up but I pump the bar up faster. My breathing gets heavier while I continue lifting. 'What if she liked it on accident? What if she was watching it and I came in while she was about to scroll?' I put the barbell onto its set. I get up  "I should tell her." I sigh and get up getting ready to leave. I packed up all my stuff and left. Since I don't have  a car I walked.

While I walk I think on how I should tell Vi. The best thing I could come up with is just telling her straight up. First I should get us coffee. As I continue walking I see a Café. 'Perfect' I think to myself. I look through the window. I get ready to open the door but then I catch a glimpse of a pink haired girl. She is drinking coffee and talking to someone.I don't think much of it. 'Now this is perfect' I walk in, with a determined smile on my face. My smile then drops and I stop walking.

...She's here with Caitlyn? Why is she here in the first place didn't she say she had an assignment to do? She laughs at what Caitlyn said. It hurt. Did she not want to hang out with me? Did I do something? Then she looked my way. Her eyes widened. Caitlyn said something and Vi looked back at her and laughed again. My eyebrows furrowed as I look between Vi and Caitlyn. Vi gives me a guilty look. I sigh and walk out of the café. I put my hands in my pockets

I walk to my dorm. I probably shouldn't tell her. I grab a new pair of clothes and hop in the shower. I get cleaned up and get out. I then went to my kitchen and checked my fridge for food. I groan I didn't have anything. I sigh then put on my shoes. I'll head to Jericho's. I'll ask Vi if she wants to come. I put on my hoodie and walk out my door. I lock it then walk to Vi's door.

I knock on the door. I wait a bit and knock again. I sigh, I was about to walk away but then the door opened. "Wanna go to Jericho's?" I ask. My eyes widened. 'Caitlyn?!' "Oh? Caitlyn?" I ask, I furrow my eyebrows, my heart started aching. "Oh, hi Y/n." She greets smiling at me. I switch my face to a smiling one. "Hi, Uhh why are you in Vi's dorm?" I ask nervously laughing.

Her face turns red. I bite the insides of my mouth forcing myself to smile to mask my frown. "Oh, I asked her for coffee earlier, and when we were done she invited me to her dorm." She laughed nervously rubbing the nape of her neck.
"Oh,.. okay. Uhm where is she now?" I ask another question. "She is in the restroom. Right now," she answers

"oh okay, I'll go. See you around." I laugh. "You sure you don't want to come in?" She asks. "It's fine. Im on my way somewhere." I reassure " oh okay, See you, I'll tell her you came by." She smiled. "Alright, thanks." I then start to walk off.

As soon as I hear the door close, tears start flooding my eyes. I make my way to Jericho's and probably the last drop

- small time skip -
Vi's POV

I walk out of my bathroom to see Caitlyn on my couch with her phone. She looks up at me and gets up. "I've got to get going. Oh and Y/n came by." She mentioned. "Y/n? What did she say?" I ask quickly. "She asked where you were at, and why I was in your dorm." Caitlyn laughed. "Is that all?" I ask. "Yeah, mostly." She shrugged "oh, alright" I smile at her. "Alright I've got to go. See you around." She waves at me and heads to my door. "Bye" I say before she leaves. When she closes the door I grab my phone and call Y/n.

The line rings but no response. I call her again but still the same. I sigh and put on my shoes. I walk to her dorm and knock on the door and again no response. I grab my phone again and call Mylo. I tap my foot impatiently.

"Yeah?" The line picks up. "Hey, have you seen Y/n?" I ask.
I hear him munching on something. "No" he says with his mouth clearly full. "Alright thanks." I say. "No problem." He responds. I hang up then call Claggor.

"Hello?" I hear a voice ask. "Hey Clag, have you seen or talked to Y/n?" I ask starting to get worried.
"Uhh no, why? Is she not with you?" He asked. "No, that's why I'm asking you." I answer. "Oh yeah, but no I haven't seen her. Did you check her dorm?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm standing by it right now and she is not here." I wearily sigh. "Did you check the gym?" He asks trying to help. "I doubt she'll be there she already went today.Plus she doesn't go at night." I reply. He sighs. "Do you want me to help you find her? Call Mylo, I'll try to call Y/n." Claggor says. "Claggor you don't have to" I say. "She's basically my sister, I'm worried too." He says before hanging up. I sigh and call Mylo.

"Yo get your shoes on and get ready, we need to find Y/n I already talked to Claggor." I said.
"You haven't found her yet?" Mylo asked.

"Yes we found her we just need more players in hide and seek- No you idiot, we haven't found her that's what I just said." I face palm. "No you said 'we need to find her' not that 'we haven't found her' there is a difference." He says. "Do you know how stupid you sound right now? Sometime you make me question my faith in humanity. Put your damn shoes on and meet us at the entrance of the college."

I hung up and started to walk to the destination with my hand in my pocket. As I walk closer I see two figures the only light was the street light. I start to walk a bit faster to get to them. Mylo was leaning against the street light and Claggor was walking around and rambling to himself. "Did she answer your call?" I ask hoping she did.

"No, what if something happened she always answers my calls." Claggor said clearly worried for his sister. "I called her too and she didn't answer either she usually doesn't answer me so I'm not surprised" Mylo sighed getting off of the street light and walking towards us.

"Shit" I sigh holding my temples of my head with my hand

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