Her friend giggled. "You're so funny, Akari-chan."

The class started at exactly 8:30 am. Akari tried to listen intently to their Math teacher, Arai-sensei, who was discussing numbers and algebraic expressions, jotting down all the formulas on her notes while not letting herself fall asleep. She might be a diligent student but she had a hard time keeping her eyes wide open. She kept on yawning each time their teacher turned his back on them. It was her fault she was this sleepy anyway. She just binge-watched an entire season of her favorite TV show that she slept really late last night, completely forgotten she had classes the following day. 

Oh, how she hated Mondays.

She nearly jumped out of her seat when her phone suddenly vibrated inside her pocket. Who in the right mind would text her in the middle of her class? She took a glance at their teacher who was still busy with his lecture before taking out her phone carefully and flipping it open just to see his number on the screen. She scoffed and rolled her eyeballs. She just answered her own question. Of course. There was only one person in whole wide Japan who had the balls to disturb her concentration during class hours.

Conceited King: Where are you? You busy?

She typed on her keypad.

Me: Duh. I'm in school.

Conceited King: Ditch your class. I'll pick you up.

Me: What? No! You crazy? My aunt will kill me.

Conceited King: Alright. After school. We're going somewhere.

Me: Where?

Conceited King: You'll know later.

Me: Taiyaki? 🥺

Conceited King: No. Go buy yourself.

Me: Meanieee! 😡 Hmph! Then I'm not coming. No taiyaki, no Akari.

Akari could imagine him rolling his orchid irises already because of her childish antics while clicking his tongue. Yet, she knew better he can't actually resist her.

Conceited King: Fine. I'll buy you one.

See? She sneered. Victory!

Me: Make it five.

Conceited King: No. I can only buy you two.

Me: Four.

Conceited King: Three. That's the last. Or do you want me to go to your school right now and drag your ass out? I mean it.

Her smile quickly melted into a grimace. That would be the very last thing she wanted him to do. She knew he will surely do it. He was that type of person. Ugh. There goes her karma. This jerk.

Me: Don't you dare! Geez. Fine. Three. I'll see you after school.

Conceited King: K. I'll meet you at the gates. Don't make me wait.


Akari was startled and nearly dropped her flip phone to the floor as she heard her teacher's angry voice calling her attention. She frantically hid the gadget back in her pocket and quickly shot up from her seat, almost hitting her knee under her desk. "Y-yes, sir!" she blurted out.

Arai-sensei was glaring at her through his huge eyeglasses. "What on earth are you doing back there? I already called your name three times!"

Akari lowered her head in shame and was fiddling her fingers. "I-I'm sorry, sensei."

The Boss Queen (Izana Kurokawa) COMPLETED 👑Where stories live. Discover now