Chapter 3: Euphoria

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Unattainable wishes and euphoria came flooding like the torrents of a sea. We were 20, and Sasuke and I stood under the cherry tree.

"Sasuke, what did you bring me here for?"


"Naruto... Do you still remember what we promised each other under this very tree when we were kids?"

A light of hope flickered in my heart, forcing it to beat an erratic rhythm.

Was he going to?..

"This very tree is important to both of us, it symbolizes the love we share. We've been together through thick and thin ever since we made that vow all those years ago. It's been 4 years now and we are still dating. I want to spend the rest of my life with you just like I had before. I want to be there for you when you need me the most -"

Sasuke slowly slouched down into a stance, resting his weight on one knee while his other foot shared the same, and slid a mini-box from his pocket.

"Naruto Uzumaki, will you marry me?"


The time had stopped as did my breaths.

Petals descended from the tree as the wind directed them to recline around my feet.

The tree was flourishing like never before.

My heart throbbed with a piercing ache.

Tears came pelting down my crimson-diluted cheeks in endless streams. I was crying out of pure joy.

Sasuke's eyes widened in concern, his smile was beginning to fall as the drops of water obscured my vision.


Sasuke's face lit up as he stumbled and got up to hug me. I buried my face in his shoulder as he tried to calm me down, I started letting out unrelenting hiccups as my mind failed to process the news.

"Idiot. Stop crying..."

"I-i can't, you know?..." The drops of tears slowly formed from rivers to seas. My voice quivered and trembled, unable to speak properly.

"I love you, idiot."

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