Chapter 54

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Truth or Dare, another common game played when either bored, have a lot of energy, or are simply patiently waiting for people to return from a mission. Currently, Prussia was spinning the bottle in the middle of the living room, and while it spiraled, nervousness grew in everybody until the tip of the bottle pointed towards me. 

"Alright, what will it be?" Prussia smirked. 

I could tell he was not going to give me any mercy no matter what I chose. 

"Dare." I folded my arms, waiting for his response. 

The old country took a moment to think, his lips curving into an evil smile as soon as he came up with the perfect idea for my dare. Upon my forehead, tiny droplets of sweat formed and slowly ran down my cheeks.

"I dare you to go find Reichtangle's extra clothing and dress up as him. Gloves, shoes, tie, everything that he wears you must wear as well." He explained. 

"Fine. Someone please carry me into his room and help me dress in his clothes. I want this to be done quickly." I sent a death glare at Prussia. "Once the bottle spins and lands on you, I hope you get a truth or a dare that is worse than mine!"

Austria-Hungary lifted me into his arms and walked off towards the direction of Reichtangle's bedroom. Looking over his shoulder, I could see the German Empire and Prussia laughing at each other as they high-fived. 

Not too long after, Austria-Hungary carried me out of the bedroom and back into the living room with my other temporary caretakers. As their pupils landed on my figure, their mouths fell open and different colored blushes lit up their faces. 

I giggled as I was gently placed back onto the couch. 

"Wow, you actually look quite fabulous." The German Empire complimented. 

"Gorgeous." Prussia added. "If I may also mention, beautiful and charming." 

"Reichtangle will definitely fall head over heels for you now." Austria-Hungary chuckled. "Possibly even faint too."

I rolled my eyes with a goofy smile. "I wouldn't go that far."

Reaching my hand out, I grabbed the bottle, gathering all of the strength I had and spun it on the carpet. 

The tip of the bottle landed on the German Empire.

"Dare." He said immediately. "Hit me with your best shot."

I rubbed the palms of my hands together. "I dare you to chug one whole gallon of cold beer."

The country rolled his sleeves up and stood up, heading to the kitchen with a confident expression on his face. I crossed my legs and watched as he disappeared around the corner. 

"You are talking to the country who is a master at chugging beer!" He shouted. "Just you watch, I will drink the entire gallon of beer in less than ten seconds!"

A minute later, he returned with a huge plastic container consisting of one gallon of freezing cold beer. He twisted the cap and removed it from the vessel, tossing it aside. 

Austria-Hungary had taken out his phone and pulled up his stopwatch. 

"!" He started it as soon as the German Empire began chugging down the first bit of beer. 

In amazement, I witnessed the old country swallow a full gallon of beer. When Austria-Hungary stopped the time on his stopwatch, it read eight seconds. 

"Woohooooo!" The German held the plastic receptacle up above his head, standing up to show off the empty container before collapsing and passing out.

Prussia and I burst out laughing while Austria-Hungary helped his best friend up on the couch across from us. 

"Now it seems like he will not be able to participate in the game anymore." Prussia remarked. 

"It leaves only three of us." I said. "Should we even continue playing? I feel like three is too little to go on with the game." 

"Yes, I think we should stop here." Austria-Hungary verbalized, setting the back of his best friend's head on a pillow. "I believe we have been playing for about two hours now."

"How long has it been since everybody else left?" I asked.

"Six hours." Prussia answered, glancing at the digital clock hung on the wall next to the hallway. "It is currently five twenty-four. It will soon be seven hours." 

"What can we do while they—"

Suddenly, the front door opened, revealing the remaining rebellion members. Poland was the first to enter, then everyone else entered with Reichtangle being last. I had gotten worried at first when I did not see Reichtangle come in, but I was relieved to see he did return.

He did keep his promise.

The former servant scanned the room, almost immediately making eye contact with me. He stood completely still, taking in everything he saw on my body. He approached me, scooping me up into his arms as I smiled widely.

"If you're wondering who made me wear your clothing and dress up as you, blame Prussia and the German Empire!" I pointed at them both.

Reichtangle snapped his head to the German Empire, then to Prussia. He wasn't mad from what I can tell, instead he was glad and joyful. I knew that he thought I looked cute and adorable in his outfit. 

Iran snickered. "When is the wedding?"

Staring into each other's eyes, both Reichtangle and I blushed. We quickly turned our heads away from one another.

"Aw! You're both blushing!" New Zealand exclaimed happily.

"Okay guys, let's stop teasing the couple and get to the more important things." Poland announced, catching everyone's attention. "Firstly, the enemy countries and organizations still have no idea where we are. A team was sent out led by China a couple days ago. They passed by us twice. They know that we are East from their headquarters due to them finding some footprints and retracing where the tracker in (Y/N)'s head last location was. They are going to try searching for us again and we need to be prepared just in case they do somehow manage to find us." 

"What are we going to do?" Austria-Hungary questioned.

"Remember those traps we set up? Now it's time we use them." 

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