Chapter 30

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His facial expression radiated feelings of remorse, guilt and sympathy as our eyes met. The white door slammed closed seconds before I made it back onto my feet. I didn't know whether to believe Russia or not, he could just be faking it to make me think he was innocent, but on the other hand, his frown and sparkling pupils, full of regret, did seem genuine. Maybe he was attempting to communicate to me through his eyes, trying to tell me that he did not want to do what he had already done. Maybe he was forced into doing this by—

No, what am I thinking? Russia and Reichtangle betrayed me, toying with my positive emotions and thoughts about escaping just to demolish them completely. How could I be so naive, so stupid enough to believe and play along with their dirty tricks? I can no longer trust them, only my human friends. Sooner or later they will come for me, rescue me from this hellhole of a place. The war has begun up above on the surface, and with Cami, Samuel and Sal searching for me, I will escape. I will run or ride in a vehicle away from here and hide where they cannot—

Miracles like these do not always happen. In fact, I think… I think…

Clutching tightly onto the sides of my head, pain increased within my skull. Voices whispered to one another within my mind, growing louder and louder as the sound of ringing in my ears intensified. My body quivered and my eyelids squeezed shut until finally everything abruptly stopped. I opened my eyes and inspected the white room, catching a glimpse of a shadow going from one corner to the other across from me. I focused on that until I once again saw it, but this time it emerged from the ceiling. I began to panic and shielded my face as it lunged at me, but nothing collided with my body.

I scrambled into another corner, pressing my back to the wall. I witnessed shadows appear and disintegrate in front of me again and again. I ran about the room until tears formed in my eye sockets. I slid my back on the wall in a corner of the room and sat on the floor. I hugged my knees and buried my face into my lap, sobbing. I begged for the shadows to stop, evil laughter and taunting voices echoing in my subconscious. Again, it came to a sudden halt. I raised my head up, seeing nothing but white around me. The shadows had disappeared, or maybe they simply didn't exist.

No, they were definitely real! I saw them!

Lying upon my bed, I stared up at the ceiling with exhausted eyes. I allowed my body to become limp. Spreading my arms and legs out, I tilted my head as I saw shapes forming on the white ceiling above me. I kept still, blinking many times, but the shapes never went away. I looked away, but the shapes only continued to form in the walls surrounding me. I closed my eyes, but they still remained even in my mind.

For what seemed like hours or maybe even days passed. No food has been delivered to me from the ceiling and no one has come yet to save me. The shadows manifested from time to time and the voices returned as well. 

Are my friends gone? 

Did they leave me behind?

How much time has passed? 

I clawed at the walls, kicked at the walls, and pounded my body against the walls. I had forgotten where the exit was. Everything in here seemed to be moving by themselves sometimes. 

Sitting in the top corner of my bed, I examined the room. All I could hear was my breathing and my own voice in my head, nothing else. Not much action has occurred and it has become too silent. I continued to glance at each object and square inch of the room. Moments of silence later, I immediately shot up onto my feet and banged my fists against the walls.

"Please! I need to hear something else rather than my own voice and breathing! Please! Music, people's laughter, anything!" I shouted, collapsing onto my knees. "Let me out…please…"


Samuel aimed at Poland's left wing and pulled the trigger, but he missed yet again. He quickly rushed behind a tall and wide metal pole, standing and pointing his gun up toward the sky. Cami was trailing him, poking her head around the corner of the room and sprinting over to a pole next to her friend.

"We've searched everywhere for them, Samuel. Where could they be?" She asked.

"I don't know where, but I am certain that (Y/N) is here somewhere in the building. There is probably some sort of secret passage to an area we haven't uncovered yet." The man responded, shooting a couple of bullets out from behind his hiding spot.

"Alright. Let's continue the search." 

The noise of static came through their earpiece, a voice finally calling out to them seconds later.

"Yo, Cami and Samuel. Can y'all hear me?"

Samuel pressed and held his finger to a button on the back side of the earbud. "We can hear you. What's the problem?"

"The General has ordered for me to tell you two to go help Sector Five-Seven-Eight at the back of the building. Things are not going well over there." 

"What!? But we're currently busy, Sal. We need to find—"

"If I were there, I would want to go find (Y/N) too, Cami, but our main priority is to first kill these freaks! Once we finish with that, we will find (Y/N), I promise!"

Sighing in defeat, Cami frowned and nodded. "Okay. We'll be right there."

"Over and out!"

Samuel adjusted his mask and looked at Cami. The woman nodded and reloaded her weapon. She gave him a thumbs up, and soon enough they were both off to go help their kind win the battle. 

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