chapter thirteen FREEDOM BITCHES

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Elena’s pov
I was sitting next to bella and sherlock with a smile on my face finally getting out of the hell known as forks high school jessica was giving a speech “ When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our things were answers like astronaut, president, or in my case, princess…” she says which caused people to laugh including me “ When we were ten, they asked us again. We answered - rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist…” she says with a cheeky smile “ But now that we’ve grown up, they want a more serious answer. Well, how about this…Who the hell knows? “ Then everyone began laughing and I nodded my head “ . This isn’t a time to make hard and fast decisions. This is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere chilly. Fall in love “ i look at sherlock as he was already looking at me “  a lot. Major in philosophy because there’s no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again because nothing is permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be… We won’t have to guess. We’ll know.” she says i stood up a whooped for her and i clapped my hands she has gotten better as she has gotten older she looked at me with a smile and i smile back to her i felt a slight pain in the wrist that i hurt so i rubbed it behind my back
Carlise pov 
I looked to elena to see she was rubbing her hurt wrist it took everything in me not to go to her and put my hand on it to help with the pain she stops and looks at it while sighing
Elena’s pov
after some time me and bella walked on stage i see dad clapping his hands “ you did it girls “ he exclaims i laugh and look at him and smile i see carlisle stand up as well “ go ellie “ he exclaims I look at him charlie smile wide i smile widely at him and grab my diploma i smile at him

I stop the truck and i see bella was already walking i get out and walk in to see a lot of people dancing i never really liked huge crowds all to much i’m just like bella in that way so i walk up the stairs and walk in to carlisle’s office seeing ...

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I stop the truck and i see bella was already walking i get out and walk in to see a lot of people dancing i never really liked huge crowds all to much i’m just like bella in that way so i walk up the stairs and walk in to carlisle’s office seeing he was not here working or anything i walked to his bookshelf and grabbed romeo and juliet and began reading it after some time i hear the door open but not paying attention to it i feel someone sit next to me so i lay my head on their shoulder “ romeo and juliet a good choice “ i hear carlisle say i nod my head “ yes it’s a forbidden love tragedy they were in love with each other but could never have each other and it saddens me because they would’ve been a really good couple “ i say sadly and turn the page still reading it  “ yes i think that as well “ he says softly he then grabbed my bad wrist i forgot to put the bandage on i put the book down and let him liking how cold his hands were felt amazing on it i hummed happily by it he helped me up i sat on his desk so he could work better on it “ i have some medical tape handy so you’re in luck my dear “ he says with a smile i smile back “ yeah and the fact that you’re a doctor “ i say with a chuckle he smiled slightly brighter he nodded his head and he began to wrap my arm again “ to be honest i really not a fan of crowds i guess i’m just like my sister in that department “ i say to him he smiled and nodded his head “ then we could stay here if it makes you more comfortable “ he says i nod my head happily he sat on his desk as well “ you know thank you carlisle “ i say with a smile he looked at me “ for what “ he asked curiously i chuckle “ for everything that you have done for your family as well as mine “ i say he turns his head with a soft smile “ i will always protect my family and you’re in it “ he says i hug him and he hugged me back Alice walked in we both looked at her “ carlisle a decisions been made “ she says and then we were in a another room i see sherlock and smile i walked to him “ they’ll be here in four days “ alice says in worry i hold onto sherlock’s hand “ this could turn into a bloodbath “ carlisle says i bite my lip worried “ who’s behind it “ edward asked i look at alice “ i didn’t see anyone i recognized maybe one “ she says in thought i look at her and see her eyes go to a hazy red my eyes widen i just read her mine i see a image of riley “ alice “ i say everyone looked at me “ i know his face he’s local riley biers but he didn’t start this because i know he’ll never start anything like this “ i say with a nod everyone else looked at me confused “ she can read minds if she locks eyes with the person “ alice tells them they all nodded their heads “ and whoever did is staying out of the action “ alice says i see carlisle began to think he looks at me and i watch his eyes go a slight hazy red just like alice’s ‘ do you think victoria is behind this ‘ he thought i nodded my head “ they must be playing with the blind spots in your vision “ he says to her alie looks at him “ either way the army is coming and there aren’t enough of us to protect the town “ jasper says i nod my head i see jacob look curious “ hold up what damn army “ he says i see carlisle look at him with annoyance “ newborns our kind “ he answers him with a fast nod “ what are they after “ quail says confused i look at alice curiously wondering it as well “ they were passing around Elena’s scent…it was your black shirt the one you haven’t been able to find for a while  “ she says the last part to me and my heart dropped and i hold onto sherlock “ they’re after elena what the hell does this mean “ jacob says frantically i look at him ‘ i haven’t talked to him since the accident “ it means an ugly fight with lives lost “ he answer him i see the werewolves look at each other as if there having a conversation amongst themselves “ all right we’re in “ he says bella looks at him “ no you’d get yourselves killed no way “ she says seriously and worried jacob looks at her “ i wasn’t asking for permission “ he says back to her she looks like she was thinking “ edward “ she says then looked at him “ it means more protection for elena “ he says to her bella nods her head and sighs “ jacob do you believe sam would agree to an understanding “ carlisle asked him jacob nodded his head “ if it has something to do with elena being in danger he’ll do anything and as long as we get to kill some vampire “ he answers him with a nod everyone looked at jasper “ jasper “ carlisle asked him “ they’ll give us the numbers newborns won’t know they even exist they’ll give us an edge “ he answers him seriously “ we’ll need to coordinate “ carlisle says i looked at him “ then my guess is that they need to train “ i say he looked at me and nodded his head “ yes we all need some training fighting newborns requires knowledge that jasper has you’re welcome to join us “ carlisle says the last part to jacob “ alright name the time and the place” and carlisle does jake looks at me “ can i talk to her elena “ he says softly i nodded my head and walked outside and he follows me “ look i’m sorry about what happened i know it wasn’t my place “ he says i looked at him and nodded my head “ let me guess sam gave you a really good talking to “ i say with a soft scoff he nodded his head “ yeah when it comes to you he is damn right scary “  he answers i nod my head with a laugh “ i forgive you wolfie “ i say and watch him smile wide he takes something out of his pocket and gives it to me “ here is a little graduation present “ he says i open it and it was a wolf bracelet i smile and put it on

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