Chapter one Death

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A man walks out of a shop he nods to one of his friends and puts on his bag to his back he walks up to the sidewalk and notices that it was raining he sighs annoyed and begins walking after some time and very quite besides the rain being rather cold it's very peaceful night well until someone knocks him over and he falls to the ground panicked he gets up as fast as he can and began looking around he sees someone from a far but they disappear to fast he tries to get up as fast as he can and he does he looks more around trying to find the person " who's there " he said his voice wavering while he looks more around " who's there " he says louder it's calm for a minute until a hand comes to his neck and throws him to a wall he falls to the ground shaking with even more fear and pain he hold his right arm and gets up he hears laughter and sees people inside hope floods into him " help " he scream desperately while running to his haven from whoever is attacking him but his luck was not one of hope he sees the person move fastly in front of him in a panik he falls down and runs in the complete opposite direction he looks back one last time before he bolleted he runs until he gets to the edge of the docks he looks down at the water debating on rather to jump or not but screeching can be heard from somewhere behind him so he turns around and begins to frantically look around feeling his heart beep going faster " what do you want " he yells in fear but anger could be heard in it the thing goes fast him but as soon as it leaves pain is all he can fill he looks down to see a bite on his hand he begins screaming in pain feeling scared and confused " why is this happening to me " he sobbed out as he falls to the floor screaming in pain and the one that put him there was watching and waiting with a smile

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