Chapter twelve Broken

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I looked out to the place where Jacob took me “ gosh it’s so pretty here “ i say while walking with a happy smile “ so alice planned a big graduation party which you’re of course are invited to “ i say he looks at me and i roll my eyes and then i sighed “ yeah i figured that “ i say with a nod but then i notice how jake's footsteps were slowing down so i turn around “ what “ i asked curiously wondering what was his problem “ i just wanted to do this differently…..smoother…maybe..but now i’m all out of time “ he said i looked at him confused “ to do what jake “ i asked wondering where is he going he walked up to me “ you need to hear the truth ellie understand all your options and you need to know….that i’m in love with you “ he says my eyes widen in shock ‘ whoa when the hell did he start liking me i thought he liked bella and was just being overprotective over me what the fuck ‘ i think frantically “ and i want you to choose me instead of him “ he says softly i look up to him still trying to process everything he just said to me “ jake i thought you understood i don’t feel that way for you “ i say softly trying not to hurt him too much “ i don’t by it “ he says i look at him confusedly “ what don’t you buy that’s how i feel “ i say like it was the most obvious thing in the world “ you feel something else for me you just won’t admit it so i’m not giving up i’m gonna fight for you….until your heart stops beating “ he says i rub my head trying to think of anything “ well the you’re not gonna fight for that long “ i say to him with slight annoyance ‘ why the hell is this happening ‘ i think with a huff “ you’re rushing into it because you’re afraid you’ll change your mind “ he says as if he knows i shake my head “ no i’m not i know what i want and i want sherlock “ i say to him telling him that i have no feeling for him whatsoever “ you wouldn’t have to change for me Elena or say goodbye to anybody i can give you more than him i mean he probably can’t even kiss you without wanting to sink his teeth into you “ he says i look at him shocked yet again he grabbed my hand and put it on his chest i felt his heart beating “ feel that….flesh and blood and warmth “ he says i shake my head and sigh “ sher..” before i could even finish what i was saying jacob bent down and kissing me i stood their shock after some time i was able to get out of the state i instantly pushed him away from me then i punched him in the chest pain erupted in my wrist i grunt in discomfort then began to rub it that didn’t do any good “ ow ow god ow ow shit fuck btch cunt damn ow ouch “ i say while walking back and forth i then began to walk away “ where are you going “ jacob says i turn my head “ to you’re car i want to go home before sherlock knows about this cuz i bet alice had some kind of vision “ i say and he follows once we get to my house i see sherlock’s car fastly pulling in and then he was in front of jacob i saw his eyes were red again i step back doing a yeah no i ain’t fucking with that he’s pissed “ if you ever touch her against her will again…” sherlock growls out angrily jacob looked at him “ she’s not sure what she wants freak “ jacob seethes my eyes widen sherlock had told me stories on how much he hated when people called him freak when he was human sherlock got closer to him “ well then let me give you a clue mutt wait for her to say the words because she never liked you “ he seriously growled out like jake looked shocked for a split second “ fine and she will “ jacob said i snap at him good god why is he doing that “ jacob just go okay “ i say to him he never even looked at me i rolled my eyes but began rubbing my wrist i see bella and dad fastly walking out of the house “ hey hey hey easy guys easy “ dad says while getting in the middle of them he softly pushed them away i looked to make sure that sherlock’s eyes were not red and they weren’t i see bella get behind me “ let’s take it down a notch all right what’s going on “ dad says while looking at the both of them if looks can kill jacob would’ve been gone by now “ i kissed elena “ he says i see bella and dad looked at him in shock “ and she broke her hand “ he says dad looks at him like come again then looks at me then my hand that i’m holding “ punching my face total misunderstanding “ he says i nod my head i see bella look at jacob “ come on guys i’ll take you two to my house so we can have carlisle look at your hand “ sherlock says while wrapping his arm around my waist and we began walking with bella following once we get there alice walks out “ i know i shouldn’t have told him and i didn’t but edward told him and “ she says painiking i ran to her and rubbed her shoulder “ alice it’s fine i understand “ i say softly she nodded her head we all walked in carlisle stood up and walked to me he checked me up and then he began to wrap it up “ it’s just a sprain it should heal fairly quickly “ he says with a soft smile i looked at him “ trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again ellie “ i hear emmett say i look at him “ no she punched a werewolf in the face “ bella says with a smirk i look at her “ badass you’re gonna be one tough little newborn and bella “ he says with a smirk i look at him “ tough enough to take you on “ bella says with a smile the feeling of carlisle hands on it feels amazing i’m pretty sure he knows as well i see rosalie glare at bella and throw the papers she had on the ground and walk out while slamming the door i see bella walking behind her i sigh sadly “ don’t worry about it little one “ carlisle says i nod my head
Bella’s pov
I walked out to where rosile went to i know she knows that it’s me “ go blather to someone else about to joys of becoming a newborn “ she says codly while not even looking at me i bite my lip “ okay….Rosalie i don’t understand what i did to make you hate me so much and how come you love elena so much like she's your daughter “ i say the last part fastly because it has been bugging me for a while i hear her scoff the word hate “ i don’t hate you….i don’t particularly like you but…bella i envy you “ she says while looking at me then she looked away i looked at her shocked for a split second “ what that’s ridiculous “ i say with a head shake “ no it’s not you have a choice i didn’t none of us did but you do and you’re choosing wrong…i don’t care how miserable your human life is “ she says while looking at me again “ my life is not miserable “ i say while walking next to her “ i mean it’s not perfect nobody’s like is perfect and why are you so okay with elena being a vampire hell you even encourage it “ i say she looked at me and sighed “ because elena would be the perfect vampire she’ll turn into her true self and because she can’t bare a child because of her magic it will force her to have a misscarege she wasn’t even meant to be alive and when she is a vampire she is not going to look like she does now she is going to change “she says sadly my heart dropped she always wanted kids “ does she know “ i asked she shook her head no “ i mean she doesn’t need to know since she is with sherlock it won’t even matter and mine was absolutely perfect there were things i still wanted to be married with a nice house and a husband to kiss me when he came home a daily of my own royce king was the most eligible bachelor in town i barely knew him but i was young i was in love with the idea of love on the last night of my life i left a friends house late i wasn’t far from home they left me in the street thinking i was dead believe me i wanted to be Carlisle found me he smelled all the blood thought he was helping me “ she says my heart ached for her she was so young and to be taking advantage of “ i’m sorry “ i tell her softly but i see a smile on her lips as if thinking of something “ i got my revenge on them one at a time saved royce for last so he’d knew i was coming i was a little theatrical back then things got better after i found emmett but we’ll always be this frozen never moving forward that’s what i miss the most possibilities sitting on a front porch somewhere emmett gray haired by my side surrounded by our grandchildren their laughter “ she says in thought i lick my lips “ i understand that that’s what you want but there’s nothing i’m ever gonna want more….than edward “ i say softly to her she looked at me “ you’re wrong again after you’ve been changed there’s one thing you’ll want more….one thing you’ll kill for….blood “ she says to me like i was stupid she then walked back in and i watched her hug elena

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