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Hello, once again.
Today's little frustration starts hmmm a couple days before my booster shot. I had announced in a fashion that I was out of commission basically and just not to ask me to do anything after Monday.

For context, I am on holiday; in a month in Feb, I'd be going back to Uni to do my transition into nursing. So currently, I want to relax. BUT that is just a fairytale in this house.
I got my Covid19 booster, and I had heard that the side effects weren't the best. My sister had the booster much before me, and watching her hmmm didn't give the best impression!

So in that aspect, I was assuming the worst. However, my experience wasn't like my sister's; I felt okay. I didn't get sick, but my brainstem, brain and eyes were throbbing. It might seem like an exaggeration, but honestly, I couldn't keep my eyes open at times. Once that had settled, it felt like I had a tennis ball under my armpit. My lymph node was so swollen I couldn't put my arm down. But I felt guilty because I didn't have it as 'bad' as the others around me. 

Now the frustrating part. I live in a house where if I don't really do... let's say dinner, then that's it. My parents are mad at me. They start to give you know the whole speech. (I cook every day) They also come up with the excuse of me being a chef, so I should be cooking at home. Now the week of the booster started off okay. My mom did cook for a couple of days, but, by Wednesday some sort of guilt was settling inside of me for not doing chores, cleaning the house, etc. So I just started doing it. I didn't want to look lazy, I guess? 

Anyways I'm just frustrated at myself in this little monologue. Because I don't want to be upset because I didn't do something. I know this is a little wonky. But, this is just a place to write my frustrations! Haha.

I wonder if any of you feel like this? 

I don't have any advice for this. I have learnt to snap back more these days. Though even that sometimes backfires. As a 25-year-old, it kinda sucks.  

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