#24 deception of love

Start from the beginning

minho's lips were quick to trudge towards the exposed parts of skin of the brunettes neck, specially using only his tongue to plant wet kisses down his collarbone.

unfortunately, he felt the collar of his shirt restricting him moving further, not minding it as much of a difficulty as he briskly undid them with down to expose more of his torso.

attaching his wet kisses back at the display of his collarbones, jisung let out a louder shrewd moan when he felt the older palm him through his jeans.

"ahh- hyung.."

chuckling darkly, he liked the younger submitting without a fight, especially getting whiny when he barely laid a hand on him.

"be quiet sung, don't want anybody to hear us, do you?"

desperately biting the tip of his tongue, he tugged at the older's brown locks, "n-no, but i'm sure you want them to."

cocking an eyebrow, the dark-haired felt more intrigued at his response. "you're right." he hummed in amusement, "not everyone can read me that well."

jisung scoffed, his pride taking a toll even if he legitimately let the darker brunette dominate him, the alcohol buzzing in his system made all his emotions pour into the tension stringed between them.

"you're really oblivious, hyung." he protested, his breath sharpening at every time the older squeezed his dick, "i could read you and your intentions like an open book, if i wanted to."

"is that so?"

his response was cut off he could even deliver it properly when the male's hand slipped inside his jeans. he moaned while arching his back at the feeling of his cold, shivering hand rubbing against his length.

"you really think you know hyung well?" minho tuned his words out, his free hand ushering to grasp around his neck, but he still had in mind to hear jisung out.

"y-yes." jisung affirmed, "your eyes say it all.."

a scornful laugh escaped his lips, immediately regretted when minho's hand had taken a clasp against his neck, applying pressure at the slightest.

"y-you think i don't notice how you're always eye-fucking me?" jisung blamed the alcohol for his boldness and pride that was pushing minho to the edge, but it didn't stop. his system was way too high to stop a give a thought before he spoke, especially when the male he desired was on top of him.

"i would fuck you at every instance if i wanted to." minho hissed, immediately tightening his grip around the male to watch him choke at the remembrance of a certain blonde. "it's just- your boyfriend."

"i d-don't have a boyfriend." jisung shallowed his breath, trying to conjure the best words he could despite minho's hand choking him simultaneously.

"at least not tonight."

smirking, he loosened his grip around the younger's neck, his fingers leaving an indent on his skin as jisung just stared up at him through his not-so-innocent gleaming coruscating eyes.

inching back in, his lips were licked to moisten them before he could conjoin them with jisung's, ready to continue their make-out session as if their life depended on it.

unfortunately for him, the sound of the door clicked open right when he lips ghosted by the younger's, immediately shooting a glance towards the shuffling noise.


minho thought, were they caught? was jisung too driven by the alcohol to not have enough mindfulness to lock the door? okay, never mind, that didn't seem like something a drunkard would do.

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