Chapter 25

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The Blind Concubine was horrified. He was surprised the Emperor would cling to him so desperately. Although the imperial physician had told the Blind Concubine that the Emperor's health, both physical and mental was not too good, it was one thing hearing about it and another thing entirely to experience it first-hand.

The Emperor's words touched the Blind Concubine in the very core of his soul. He now did not know how to react to them.

The Blind Concubine had come here seeking some kind of closure, he had however not imagined in his wildest dreams that the situation would become like this. He had thought that he would be able to just hate the Emperor and would confirm that his feelings of love were only misplaced gratitude for 'Chime's' kindness.

Well, it seemed The Blind Concubine had been gravely mistaken.

Instead of letting go of his feelings, his heart was hurting for the Emperor and he wanted to help him out of his apparently distressed state. It hurt the Blind Concubine to hear how pathetically and desperately the Emperor was begging and apologizing to him.

And the most important and incredible part, had the Emperor just confessed his love and wanting to stay close to the Blind Concubine? This was somehow very hard to believe that the Emperor would actually return the Blind Concubine's feelings, so deeply no less. Had they truly been thinking the same things all this time?

The Blind Concubine was trying to convince himself that the Emperor was only toying with him. Just like all this time when he had promised the Blind Concubine freedom but had been deceiving him for years.

However, it was hard to do so. Despite everything, the Blind Concubine and the Emperor had spent the last seven years basically by each other's side. It was extremely hard to forget that the Emperor was in fact 'Chime', the person who had given the Blind Concubine a normal and happy life for the last seven years.

The Blind Concubine's heart was swelling. Not from pain this time, or anger, but from realization that perhaps what he had been hoping for could actually come true.

If the Emperor truly loved him and promised to stay by his side, perhaps they would be able to get back their peaceful life? Perhaps the Blind Concubine would be able to pretend that the Emperor did not exist and that the person by his side was 'Chime'?

Suddenly, the grip on his knees became slacker and the Emperor gave out a small choked sound. It was filled with heart-breaking pain. The Blind Concubine immediately went to his own knees so he could hug the body which was trembling on the ground. The Emperor went even slacker; he must have lost consciousness.

The Blind Concubine caught the Emperor before he could hit the ground. The Emperor's skin was searing hot and damp with sweat. The Blind Concubine was almost amazed that he was still alive at this point.

With such a high fever, the Blind Concubine was doubting that the Emperor would have lied to him. Or that he had prepared some kind of ruse again. It was impossible for him to deceive the Blind Concubine in this state. That could only mean one thing though.

The Blind Concubine's breath was caught in his chest. This could only mean that the Emperor's words were coming from his heart. He had been speaking the truth.

The Blind Concubine was just a man. A weak, fragile human who thirsted for love and happiness. He felt that what he had had for the last seven years had not been a dream or another trick of the Emperor. He believed it to have been true.

The Emperor had indeed changed a lot. And so did the Blind Concubine himself. He was not that small and scared child or his angry and revenge-thirsty younger self anymore.

The Blind Concubine had already come to a realization that almost two decades were way too long to hold a grudge for something which had been done to him, even if it had turned his life upside down. The Emperor had been trying to right his wrongs for seven years, sacrificing a lot to be with the Blind Concubine.

Tentatively, the Blind Concubine decided that the man actually deserved a second chance. Just like he himself did. It would not do him any good if he stayed like this, having hate, anger and bitterness rule his life and not letting him attain happiness.

Deciding this, the Blind Concubine's heart immediately felt at peace. He knew deep down that the decision was a correct one. He did not wait for anything and called for help for the Emperor.


When the Emperor regained his consciousness, the first thing he realized was that someone was holding his hand. And not just any someone. He recognized that fine and slender hand. It belonged to the Blind Concubine.

The Emperor immediately opened his eyes and frantically looked in the direction where he suspected the Blind Concubine would be if he truly was there at all. It could have been just another one of his delirious dreams.

Though, even if this was not real, the Emperor still wanted to see the Blind Concubine again even for the most fleeting of moments.

The Emperor almost fainted again when he saw the Blind Concubine actually sitting next to the bed and holding his hand. He wanted to jump up and start apologizing and begging for forgiveness all over again.

He however realized that he could not. Both because the Blind Concubine was holding his hand and because there was no more strength left in his body. The Emperor found it impossible to move aside for slightly turning his head to look at the Blind concubine.

The Blind Concubine must have somehow noticed that the Emperor was awake. He turned towards him, not letting go of his hand. And then he said the thing that the Emperor wanted to hear the most in the world:

"Your Majesty, I know everything now. I can also understand the motives for your actions. I have decided to leave the past behind. It would be better for both of us to not be burdened by it anymore."

The Emperor listened in absolute awe. He was holding his breath and looking at the Blind Concubine as if the other man was a god who had descended to the world of humans. The Emperor did not dare to move, to make any sound or to even hope that what he was hearing was real.

Surely it could not be. The Emperor had hurt the Blind Concubine too much to ever receive such kind words. But it was still the best dream he had had since the moment he had fled from the small island in the middle of the lotus lake. He did not want to ruin this moment.

He watched with wide open eyes how the Blind Concubine did not disappear and instead continued speaking in a way that the Emperor was more familiar with in his dreams:

"It does not mean that I have forgiven you, at least not fully. But I think I need to turn a new leaf in my life. I will try to forget everything that had ever happened between us. I will also try to forget the feelings I harbour for you."

Hearing this, the Emperor's heart felt like it was stabbed by a dagger. He knew that this was the best for the Blind Concubine. However, he could not help himself to not despair and not want to lose his Blind Concubine. He would do anything to be able to remain by his side.

"So, your Majesty, Chime, if you think you can do the same. I am willing to give us another chance. Not as the Emperor and the Blind Concubine, but as two people who do not know each other and were brought together by chance."

Apparently, and the Emperor could not quite believe it, he was being offered a second chance. He nodded his heads furiously. Yes, the Emperor would do anything to be able to start anew.

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