Chapter 17

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The Emperor did not know what was happening to the Blind Concubine. Although they were both under the effects of an aphrodisiac, the Blind Concubine was acting strangely.

He was panting heavily, his cheeks burning red. And he was more importantly fidgeting in place and half whining half moaning in a very needy way.

The Emperor's restrains completely fell when the Blind Concubine reached his trembling hands up and started frantically tugging at his robes. He suddenly seemed bothered to have any on at all. It alarmed The Emperor.

The Blind Concubine's words had also become slurry as he whined: "Hot... it is too hot in here..."

The Blind Concubine proceeded to open his robe even more. The Emperor stared hungrily at the exposed alabaster white and fair skin of the Blind concubine's neck. One of his collarbones was now visible as well and the Emperor thought he had never seen such a work of art in his life.

Although he had once seen the Blind Concubine fully naked, today was somehow completely different. There was more light in the room than during their one and only night adventure in the past. It could have also been caused by the fact that the Emperor was under the effects of the aphrodisiac as well. He found it extremely hard to control himself.

He gulped on empty and grasped at the last shreds of his self-restraint and clear mind.

The Emperor had always loved the Blind Concubine. He found him unusually pretty for a man. That had been the very reason why he had noticed him the very first time he had seen him in the Cold palace. From that point on, he had been under the Blind Concubine's spell. Even it the other party had had no idea about it.

The Emperor's hands twitched, he wanted to hold the Blind Concubine. He wanted to touch that fair skin, he still remembered how smooth it was. He wanted to help the Blind Concubine to get rid of all his clothes now that he had started pulling them off himself.

The Emperor was horny and he wanted to have the Blind Concubine all to himself.

Perhaps if he was not under the aphrodisiac's influence, the Emperor would have tried to control his lust. But as things stood, he had no will to do so.

He licked his lips, already imagining how great it would feel to touch the Blind Concubine all over. He wanted to make the Blind Concubine his, just like last time. It had felt so incredibly good when he had been inside of him that he had forgotten all his reason.

The Blind Concubine was even tempting him now. He had managed to take off half of his clothes and he was sitting in front of the Emperor with his robe open. It was hanging on only by sheer luck on one of the Blind Concubine's shoulder. It revealed his whole chest and the Emperor gulped down again while imagining what was still hidden under the last pieces of it.

"Chime..." called the Blind Concubine for him sweet and needy and that was really the last drop.

The Emperor completely abandoned his reason and his hands were already roaming about everywhere on the Blind Concubine's body. The pesky piece of clothing which had been holding on to the Blind Concubine's shoulder was not there anymore.

The Emperor was now helping the Blind Concubine to also take off the rest of his clothes. The lust had turned him into a kind of monster who only cared about claiming the Blind Concubine as his. All his caution was completely thrown away and all that was left was desire.


The Blind Concubine was finally free of his clothes and he found it just a little easier to breathe. He was still way too hot and somehow it felt like the fire inside of him, and especially in his lower regions, could never again be extinguished.

"Chime..." he all but whined, looking for help from the only person he would ever allow to touch him.

And luckily, Chime was quick to oblige.

The Blind Concubine should have probably tried to think clearly; he should have remembered that doing something like this was no good. But he could not. His mind was hazy and all that he needed and wanted at this moment was for someone to touch his burning skin and bring him relief.

He had laid with a man only once in the past. At that time, he had done it out of desperation, he had had to satisfy the Emperor so he would be able to run away from him in the end. This time though, he actually wanted to be held, no matter the consequences.

He felt cold hands touch his chest and it was so incredibly satisfying and relieving that he moaned loudly. The Blind Concubine was not holding anything back and let himself be pushed onto his back, his head hitting one of the sitting cushions placed around the table.

He moaned again, inciting Chime to do even more to him, to help him extinguish that fire ravaging him inside. The Blind Concubine's lips were suddenly sealed and there was a tongue requesting entry into his mouth by licking all around it. The Blind Concubine moaned again and the tongue was suddenly entering and exploring his mouth from the inside.

It felt good but it was largely not enough. The Blind Concubine squirmed in place, his hand searching around for something to hold onto. His back was arching without his will and he was thrusting his hips up, looking for friction for his hard and leaking member. He wanted Chime to touch him more.

His wish got granted only a breath later. Chime started exploring his body and the Blind Concubine was more than happy to let him have his way. He was once again moaning into the mouth which was sealing his lips. Chime replied – of course without any words – by lightly biting him.

It sent the Blind Concubine over the edge of his reason. He came messily and satisfyingly.

The next events were only sensations felt more by his body than his mind. He was being ravaged by Chime, there was no other word for it. And he loved it, he never wished for this moment to end.

Chime's member entered him in one quick thrust. The Blind Concubine screamed in both pain and delight. His lower half was now stiff but the sensation and pain quickly went away, overwritten by pleasure. His body was still hot and apparently, it was in need of everything which was being done to him.

The Blind Concubine's mind was suddenly plagued by memories of the last time he had been ravaged just like this by another man. Those sensations and what the Blind Concubine was feeling right now were overlapping, making him even more needy. It was the same like that time and he knew he could get more.

Luckily, Chime seemed to know exactly what the Blind Concubine wanted even without having to be told anything. It was good since the Blind Concubine was not able to speak anyway. He was completely lost to his pleasure. He came again, and again until he knew nothing more.

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