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A/N: This chapter contains scenes and discuss themes that may be disturbing for some readers

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A/N: This chapter contains scenes and discuss themes that may be disturbing for some readers.

As much as I tried my best to keep my two romances separate, they, somewhat inevitably began to blend into one another. I suppose it was bound to happen, just like the sun and the moon appearing together in the sky, during the twilight of a long summer's day.

It all began when I brought back home a bouquet of aster from the florist. I had intended for them to be for Momo. It was nothing out of the ordinary, we were getting into the habit of buying things for one another – affirmations of our love perhaps. The other day he had bought me a box of pralines, so I suppose it was my turn to return the favour. But don't get me wrong, it wasn't like I thought it was a chore or an obligation. I just wanted to make him happy.

Recently, Momo had been troubled with developments with his family. Momo had told me about his grandmother when he was growing up, and her health was beginning to deteriorate. That was why he was kept so busy that he never had the chance to let me know during the whole time he was gone, extending our break from the original two weeks to almost a month.

"It's really hard watching someone you love deteriorate like that," Momo had said. "You just feel so helpless. With absolutely nothing that you can do."

Miraculously, she recovered. Yet, the death scare certainly shook him. He would visit her weekly now, telling me he didn't want to regret not using the time he had with her to the fullest. It was great for me too; once she was well enough Momo never fails to leave her house without at least a container of food, that he would share with me.

Today was one of those days. Seeing that he wasn't home yet, I placed the bouquet in the vase on the dining table with some water to keep it fresh, before hopping into the shower. When I came out of the bathroom, Momo had finally returned having gotten groceries on the way home. I helped him take out the fruits and vegetables from the paper bags in the kitchen, while he made himself a cup of coffee. I was waiting for him to mention the flowers, which he did eventually.

"Those are some pretty flowers," he said.

"Yeah," I said. "I got them for you."

Momo stood in front of the dining table, admiring the blooms.

"I like how you saved me the trouble of putting them in a vase by doing it for me," he chuckled.

"What can I say?" I replied. "I'm a very considerate boyfriend."

Momo reached out to the vase, brushing his fingers against the petals of the flowers.

"You know it's funny," Momo said. "Months ago you wouldn't even let me touch this vase, as much as I wanted to fill it with flowers. And now suddenly I come back home to this."

"Times change," I shrugged. "People change."

"But that's not all there is to it isn't it?" Momo said.

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