Chapter One

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That was over a year ago and Hanna had just gotten over it so her nana decided to take Hanna and the rest of Hanna's close family to Italy (this consisted of her mother, father, two brothers, sister, wife of one brother, husband of sister and her niece/nephew).

Hanna had never been to Italy. She only knew of their food because she ate it a lot.
Spaghetti, pasta, pizza and more. She loved it.

Hanna was at her new house (more like apartment) packing up her suitcase. Her new house was better than the one she had with Jacob which made Hanna happier knowing she was better without him.

Hanna finished packing her suitcase and put on some grey cotton shorts along with a grey hooded jumper that said New York on it in green. She found it at Urban Outfitters so decided to buy it even though she has never been there.

She put her blonde hair into a messy ponytail and grabbed her bags before leaving the house to meet everyone at the airport.

She arrived and went through security before meeting her family at the gate. Her nephew James ran up to her and gave her a massive hug before they boarded.

She sat by the window and she glanced out towards the runway before she fastened her seat early ready for takeoff.

Soon enough, they were up in the air flying over the ocean up above the clouds. The sun was shining which made Hanna smile. She loved the sun as it reminded her that there will always be a tomorrow.
(a/n: kinda cringey but idk what to write here about what the sun represents.)

After taking a short nap, Hanna woke up and got off the plane. The hot air made her immediately start sweating as she was in a thick jumper.

Hanna looked around the crowded airport as she had lost sight of her family while she was wiping the sweat from her forehead. It was so hot in here due to the crowds and the lack of air-con.

She looked around while stood on her tiptoes and found them by the conveyor belt waiting for luggage. She walked over to them and her nephew James smiled widely at her.

She grabbed her black suitcase from the conveyor belt and placed her carry on on-top of it. She pulled along her suitcase as she walked along with her family.

Hanna felt happy. Genuinely happy. For the first time in over a year.

Hey bitch.

Wassup asshole

Find a fit Italian guy
plssss x

Maybe we'll see.
Talk later getting in cab.

Hanna climbed into the back of the cab after she had put her luggage in the boot and off they drove.

The car ride consisted of lots of chatter and James playing on Hanna's phone. James said, "Who is linds?" Ethan, Hanna's brother, raised his eyebrow as he took the phone from his son. Ethan asked, "So you gonna do what it says?"

Hanna shrugged and said, "We'll see."
Veronica, Hanna's mother, said, "Come on Hanna. You have to move on!"

Hanna let out a heavy sigh and leaned back further in her seat, wishing she could disappear.

The car pulled up to the hotel and everyone clambered out looking at the massive hotel. Everyone walked inside while Hanna stayed looking at the hotel.

'It must be expensive' she thought

Walking inside, everyone was at the front desk and Hanna walked up to them.
The receptionist said, "Welcome to our resort. I hope our facilities are to your liking. Have you booked a room?"

Her grandmother nodded but was slightly confused as the receptionist spoke with an accent, obviously.

The receptionist said, "Ok did you book the names under a name or by your number?"

Hanna's mother said, "Yes. Under the surname Campbell."

The woman at the desk nodded and took out five keys. She said, "You have booked five rooms. Here are the keys and they are to rooms 120, 121, 122, 123 and 126. Enjoy your stay!"

They walked away from the front desk and started handing out the keys.

Room 120 was given to Ethan (Hanna's brother), James (Hanna's nephew) and Maddison (Ethan's wife).

Room 121 was given to Hanna's grandmother, Mary.

Room 122 was given to Sarah (Hanna's sister), Jeremy (Sarah's husband) and Mia (Hanna's niece).

Room 123 was given to Hanna's parents (Veronica and Paul) and also Hanna's younger brother (Joshua).

Room 126 was given to Hanna on the basis that she would go out one night instead of staying in the hotel room.

Hanna walked to her room and opened it. She walked in, dragging her suitcase behind her and shut the door once she was inside. The room was quite big.

It had a massive double bed that had two swans on it that looked like they were kissing and this made Hanna feel slightly lonely but next to the bed was two bedside tables.
A flatscreen TV that was attached to the wall with a few draws below it.
The wardrobe was big as well with a mirror on the doors.
The ensuite was massive with a shower, bath, toilet and sink. It also came with bubble bath equipment as well.

It was already 10pm in Italy so Hanna put on some silk pyjamas and climbed into the bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow she was out cold.

You could blame it on the jet-lag.

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