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It was a bright happy shining da- *thunder cracking* *rain pouring like a bitch* ... well fuck dat shitz O.o everything WAS going well until England started cooking.

England: ....

Cherry: .......

England: ..sorry...

Cherry: *looks at the destroyed-unfuntional-USE-to-be-a-brand-new-badass stove that she was sure England wouldn't destroy again* ....

England: *looks a bit frantic* l-love are y-

Cherry: *wipes out her BADASS SCYTHE*

England: *face has turn to a OH SHIT!!!*

Cherry: *swings at England viciously* MY MOTHERFUCKIN STOVE!!!! YOU BROKE MY NEW MOTHERFUCKIN STOVE!!!

England: *screams like a little bitch started running like one* AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH SOMEONE HELP!!!! THIS BITCH IS CRAZY!!!!

Cherry: *runs after him* *still swinging the badass scythe around* COME HERE YA LITTLE SHIT!!!!

And that my friends is why we don't let England cook we have crazy bitchez out there who would end his death before he could end theirs with his 'food'.

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