New dream

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A few minutes passed by, and Cale was still staring at his little brother.

Cale was thinking and trying to make a plan to save his family. He was trying to remember everything this happened in his 40 years of living, and surprisingly, he could remember everything as if it just happened yesterday and not like it has been more than 40 years.

The faces, voices, powers, and the places heck he remembers everything from the heroes to the villains, the wars, the distraction, and the deaths.

The death of his mother was the only person who really cared about him and the person who after her death he started to change. The person who he missed so much and the one who he was longing to see again to be able to talk to and to just to be with again. Cale truly missed his mother too much he admits that her death affected him the most but it wasn't just because she died it was because his father didn't give him much attention anymore and just focused on his work.

Cale doesn't blame his father even if he often was waiting for him to just come and hug him or just to talk more with him and to come comfort him when his mother died. He doesn't blame him because he knows how painful it is to lose someone, and she wasn't anyone; she was his mother, his father's wife. She was Deruth's wife; she was the one who he loved a lot, and seeing a little vision of her sure will hurt him a lot, so he understands why his father never came to him.

But unlike his father, who gets hurt because of his red hair. Cale liked his hair. He liked it because his red hair reminded him of his deceased mother. Always, when he looks at himself in the mirror, he would be able to see his mother beside him.

Many people told him that he looked just like his mother. They often said that he was like a genderbend of her, that he was the male vision of his mother Jour.

He even once when he was still young and was missing her too much put on her clothes and looked at himself in the mirror. And he really looked like his mother. His crimson red hair was long at that time, so if anyone saw him looking like that, they would most probably think that Jour came back from the dead.

Cale shocked himself out of his thoughts, seeing that a little frown was adoring his little brother face.

Cale looked around, seeing that the light was coming in from the window through the slightly open curtains. So, he jumped down from the bed and went to the window to try and close it so that his little brother would be able to continue his sweet dreams.

The only problem was that he was too small to close the curtains, which were much bigger than him, but he would close them no matter if it meant his brother could sleep a little more.

And finally, after all that hard work, he was able to close them so that Kim could enjoy his peaceful sleep anymore.

Now that he closed it, he just wants to lay down beside his brother and stare at the ceilings doing nothing so that he gets a little more energy.

And like that, Cale gets back to the bed and lays down beside his brother too exhausted after doing so much work.

'It's truly the best to be able to just chill and enjoy the day without having to do anything' Cale sighs, how will he save his family if he at the same time just wants to enjoy such small things like laying down and not doing anything.

Cale was slowly falling asleep again when he heard someone great him.

"Good morning, young masters," an old man greeted his two young masters as he came to wake them up.

Cale sighs again, thinking about what he did that he has to be woken up now when he just wants to sleep and do nothing other than breathing and later to worry about saving his family.

Cale doesn't open his eyes and just lays in his place not moving resting knowing that he has to wake up and won't be able to get to sleep for a few hours even if he wants to since his old butler is the one who came to wake them up if it was any other servant then he would be able to do what he wants and could continue his precious sleep but not with this scary old man.

A/N sorry for not updating anything for a long time I didn't have much motivation but I got it back I actually wanted to write something completely else in that chapter but I somehow ended up writing that I wanted to make Kim wake up but I guess I will let him sleep for a little longer so that he can enjoy few chapters of his dream because I'm not sure if I'll be giving him his slacker life good luck with your dream Cale- wait I mean Kim...

Anyways, thank you for reading. See you in the next chapter! ^^

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