Grim and Hogsmeade

Start from the beginning

Just as he was debating calling it a night, he heard a snuffling sound coming from behind him, he looked around and saw Biscuit and Crookshanks walking towards him. Biscuit jumped onto his lap and began to purr while Crookshanks sat next to his painting.

Rigel chuckled slightly and then looked around to make sure no one was near, as his eyes swept the rose bushes near the forest he saw another animal.

As it cautiously made her way towards him Rigel could have sworn it was the same dog that she had seen in London, the one that apparently looked like a Grim. He furrowed her brow in confusion and then looked at the cats in concern - they didn't look frightened. In fact, Crookshanks was looking - if possible - proud.

"You again," Rigel asked half amused half delighted as the dog barked. "You must be a crup if you came in."

The dog barked again as if trying to say something else. 

"The fuck are you? An animagus?" Rigel asked the odd dog.

The dog gently licked his hand while the two cats just settled next to him. Laughing slightly at the absurdity of the scene Rigel looked at the fading light and decided that he really didn't want to face Hagrid's wrath if he was out of the castle at night without human protection from his dad. He removed Biscuit from his lap and gathered up his possessions and gave the dog one more pat on the head before heading into the castle with two feline companions.

Care of magical creatures turned absolute shit. Ever since Malfoy stupidly got himself hurt by the Hippogriff, Hagrid lost all of his confidence. All they did in Care of Magical Creatures class was learn how to raise Flobberworm, probably the most boring creature that ever walked the planet.

"Hagrid is upset." sighed Hermione. "I think he's just too afraid to bring more lively creatures to class."

"If only Malfoy didn't act like an idiot," Harry grumbled.

"Well, I'm not going let your time be wasted with this thing, just because my idiotic cousin acted up," said Rigel.

As soon as classes ended, Rigel went to Hagrid, who was sitting on his chair looking forlorn.

"Oh, 'ello Rigel?" Hagrid said, not in his usual cheerful voice.

"I'm going to be blunt Hagrid, for my own sake and your own. The fuck!." Rigel asked incredously.

Hagrid looked shocked and even a bit hurt but Rigel continued. "Hagrid, you can't keep on doing this. You are a man who knows well about Magical creatures and you are wasting your talent and our time by making us shove cabbage down a slithering worm's throat,"

"But what can I do Rigel! After Malfoy got hurt, I could hav' gotten meself fired! I'm facing 'n inquiry with the board of governors! I don't want any more students gettin hurt. What if it's yer friends or you who gets hurt next time?" protested Hagrid.

"Did anybody else get hurt? No. Only Malfoy did. Why? Because he's a dumbass who couldn't follow instructions. Hagrid, you can't make everyone suffer because of one idiot's mistake. Also, if you're worried about our safety, why not bring a creature that is harmless and interesting? There's gotta be a creature like that." said Harry

Hagrid scratched his head. "Well... I suppose I can bring Knarl. They're cute, but are they interestin?"

"Trust me Hagrid. Even a bottle of ketchup is more interesting than Flobberworms," said Rigel.

Hagrid thought for a moment. "Alrigh', Rigel. 'hanks. I'll bring some other creatures to class. I guess that's enough Flobberworm for the year right?" said Hagrid.

"I couldn't agree more," Rigel smiled.

True to his word, Hagrid brought a Knarl, a creature that resembled a hedgehog, to the next class. The class was spent on how to tell a difference between Knarl and a regular hedgehog, and it was very engaging and most importantly, not boring.

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