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At School

Lisa - Jungkook ! Can we talk ?

Jungkook - Do I know you ?

Lisa - Please don't ignore me like this , lets talk please

Jk Friend - Yo Jungkook ! Do you know this Chubby Monkey ? Hahahaha

Jungkook - Stop ! I don't know her

Lisa - So you don't know me now huh?

Jk Friend - Hey Chubby monkey , leave Jungkook alone . He already said that he didn't know you ! Pathetic Monkey HAHAHAHA 🤣🤣🤣

Lisa - Please Jungkook 🥺

Jungkook - Ms ! Leave me alone . Don't act like we know each other ! And listen I DONT WANT TO TALK TO CHUBBY LIKE YOU ! Remember this Ms. If your hoping that I'm going to like you , NO NEVER !

Lisa - Chubby now ha ? So you want to act like that ! Okay 🥺 how rude are you now . That's right I don't know you anymore ..


Lisa's pov
   Its 9pm what?! I'm going home now ! I know it's late , but I want to stay here in the park 🥺 I'm not feeling well my heart is not ok , my mind is thinking about him . What did I do ? 😭 It really hurts , He judge me In front of others and the one that really hurts me is he said that we don't know each other ! And stop hoping that his gonna like me . Wow you've changed a lot kookie 😔

(Lisa is walking home in the street)

Stranger - hello Ms. It's late , are you walking alone ?

Lisa - Sorry , please leave me alone

Stranger - no ! I want to walk you home

Lisa - stop ! I can walk ok? Stop pestering me ..

Stranger - what a Bad bitch you are ! Haha I like that ( holding Lisa )

Lisa - what are you doing ? Don't Touch me , pervert !!

Stranger - Pervert huh ? ( Slapping Lisa in the face )

Lisa - Ouch ! 😭 Please leave alone . Jungkook please help me (whispering)
( Lisa passed out )

Jungkook - you ! Don't touch her

Stranger - So what are you ? A knight in shining armor ? Hahahhaa

( Jungkook punched the man )

Jungkook - Lily are you okay ? I'm sorry for everything that I said I didn't mean to hurt you . I'm so sorry 😭

Lisa is Sleeping and having a nightmare
( About Jungkook leaving her )

Lisa - Jungkook please don't leave me (dreaming)

Jungkook - no ! I will not lily . I'm sorry

Jungkook brought Lisa home ,


You Changed Me - L.K Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें