Jacqueline Wilson books are disturbing but i will never stop reading them

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so if you grew up in ireland or the uk, you know who Jacqueline Wilson is and why she's iconic

but if you don't know who she is, she is a children's author who writes the most iconic children's books

even though her books are for children and are always found in primary schools, they are really disturbing

i found out today that we're getting a new book, 'Baby Love,' in 2022, THAT IS 12+


so i want to talk about the most disturbing books and why they're disturbing

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so i want to talk about the most disturbing books and why they're disturbing

i love Jackie so don't take this the wrong way lol

i haven't read these in a few years so it might not be completely accurate

also spoilers and tw// death, unaliving, grooming, eating disorders and shit like that

The Illustrated Mum

Dolphin and Star's mum, Marigold, has, if i remember correctly, a bipolar disorder and is an alcoholic. Dolphin thinks her mum is really beautiful with all her tattoos but Star hates it when she gets a new one.
When Star leaves, Marigold has a mental breakdown and paints herself with toxic lead paint to hide her tattoos when shaving them off with the razor fails.
Dolphin has to phone the ambulance, even though Marigold has a fear of hospitals.
Marigold is then diagnosed with a mental disorder and has to stay in the hospital for some time.

Lily Alone(this was one of my favourites)

Lily is 11 and has to look after her three younger siblings while her mum goes on a holiday to Spain with her new boyfriend and the babysitter doesn't show up.
They have to keep this secret from school, neighbours and social services.
Lily and her siblings are practically starving and have no money, so the go to a park to take left over food and hide out in a tree.
When her younger sister, Bliss, falls out of the tree, she breaks her leg really badly and is taken to hospital.

Dustbin Baby(my friend's mum literally had to hide this book from us, we read it anyway)

April's mum was a college student and didn't know she was pregnant with April. She gave birth to her beside a dustbin, and threw her into it.
April was found the next day and brought into foster care.
April's first adoptive mother, Janet, committed suicide just a few years after taking April in. She was battling depression from her husband having an affair and breaking up their marriage.

My Sister Jodie(im not gonna go in depth because its so sad and so good that you have to read 😭)

Jodie, trying to prove to the children that ghosts aren't real, climbs to the top of the bell tower, slips in her heels, falls and breaks her neck, resulting in her death.

Vicky Angel

Jade watched as her best friend, Vicky, was killed by being hit by a car.
When Vicky's ghost appears, she's happy to see her best friend, but Vicky starts to control Jade and her life from the afterlife, making Jade realise, her so-called 'best friend,' was very manipulative.

The Girls Quartet Series

These were a series of books that were honestly really messed up.
The most messed up one was
'Girls Under Pressure.'
It basically was about these girls who try to develop and maintain eating disorders.
And the scary part is, I read this series when I was like 10

Love Lessons

I don't want to go in depth because its a pretty weird book.
Prue, who is an abused 14 year old, hooks up with her art teacher, Rax, who I'm pretty sure is a groomer, and Prue gets expelled from school when they find out, but no consequences are given to Rax.
Before Prue leaves, Rax comes to say goodbye to her for the last time and they briefly consider running away together.

that's all im gonna talk about for now, but if you want a part 2, let me know!

btw these books are so good, and very well written, just very, very disturbing, but if you can, go read them rn

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