a rant about The Weight of Water ig

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so recently in school we had to read this novel called 'The Weight of Water' by Sarah Crossan

(if anyone who isnt irish has read this please let me know im genuinely curious)

and we had to do an assignment on it and i wrote some notes that i think you might find interesting. may or may not be spoilers idk.

•Kasienka is a bitch

•Kasienka's dad left to 'go get milk'

•Kasienka has mommy and daddy issues

•Kasienka thinks Clair is her friend but sike

•Dalilah is the best character

•William has no personality

•Kanoro is an unproblematic king

•Clair is the definition of "teenage girls scare me"

•Of course William's mother is dead

•Kasienka's parents relationship is toxic af

i think my english teacher would be proud of these notes 😌 and if you're seeing this, hi sir! what are you doing on wattpad?

oh look a crack book that i can rant inNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ