Chapter 4: Men in the Mirror

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( I smell gun. )


The older Schnee twin felt like something was wrong today. He felt like something bad was about to happen to him.

He sat on his desk as he read an encyclopedia about grimm. Whitley was currently trying to find what kind of grimm that he saw in the alley in Mantle.

Whitley: ( Ugh...nothing, there are grimm that was close, but none of them were said to be able to talk. )

Sighing, he closed the book. Knocks where then heard at his door.

Whitley: Who's there?

There was no answer. Whitley stared at the door with a suspicious look.

Whitley: ( Odd, normally someone would answer. Is Y/n trying to prank me?.....No, he stopped doing that since he and I were ten. )

Whitley shrugged as he got up from his desk and walked to open the door.

Whitley: Hello?

Whitley looked around the hall. No one was present or nearby. Whitley glanced at a window.

Whitley: ( I could have sworn something was at the window. )

Whitley then tried to close the door to his room but it was stuck.

Whitley: Huh?

He tried again to close it but it wasn't even moving an inch.

Whitley: What in Remnant?

The Schnee was confused as to why he couldn't close his door. He then heard steps from behind him. Turning around, Whitley saw a similar grimm except this time it looked different than the one in the alley.

The humanlike grimm wasn't skinny and bony. This grimm was more muscular and fit like a star athlete or a bodybuilder. And instead of it wearing rags, it wore fashionable clothes.
Whitley took a step back in shock and fear that the humanlike grimm was suddenly behind him.


He screamed in hope that someone like the mansion guards or Y/n to show up to help him.

Grimm: hehehehe.

Whitley saw the humanlike grimm grin and chuckle at him.

Grimm: Calling for help won't work. Not in here.

Whitley was in shock that it could speak like a normal person. The Schnee glanced around to try and find something to get him out of this situation. His eyes landed on the grimm encyclopedia.

Whitley: What the heck?!

Whitley was in shock as he saw that the title of the encyclopedia was backwards like a reflection of a mirror.

Whitley: Mirror?

The sound of hand claps were heard by Whitley. The Schnee saw the humanlike grimm look at him clapping his hands while grinning at him.

The Schnee then realized why he couldn't close the door and why the title of the encyclopedia was backwards.

Whitley: This place....this is a mirror world!?

Grimm: Congratulations, you figured it out. In this world, nothing can be interacted in here, and only I am the one with power! I don't know if you have a Stand or a semblance, but neither of those will help you as long as your in here in my world!

The snow White haired boy was panicking on figuring a way out of this situation but he knew it was hopeless.

Whitley: ( If I can't interact with anything, I can't escape this guy with doors unable to open or be broken down. )

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