Chapter 3: Meeting the greatest Jobro

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( the ultimate Stand )

Y/n had woken up. He checked his scroll to check what time was it. He saw it was 4:57 in the morning. Y/n sighed as he got out of his bed.

He exited his room and headed towards the kitchen wearing nothing but black shorts, a black shirt and blue slippers.

The kitchen was dark but that didn't bother Y/n as he just used Star Platinum's eyes which could see in the dark with ease. There was a light switch near, but Y/n just thought that wasn't even necessary to do.

Y/n started to make coffee to start the day. After he made the coffee he was about to take it and sit down to think about yesterday.

The lights suddenly turned on causing Y/n flinch at the sudden light.

Y/n: The hell...

His eyes adjusted as he now saw Klein who was already in his butler uniform.

Klein: Younger master Y/n.

Y/n: Klein. We've talked about this, just call me Y/n when we're alone.

Klein: Right. Apologies Y/n.

Y/n: No need to be so formal either.

Klein chuckled which confused the Schnee.

Y/n: What?

Klein: It's just that, you come from a wealthy family, yet you act like a commoner. It's quite refreshing for us servants.

Y/n: Being like a commoner is relaxing.

Y/n took a sip from his coffee. Klein chuckles at what Y/n said and he agreed that it is relaxing.

Y/n: Also, shouldn't you get ready for the day?

Klein: My working hours don't start till six. Do you perhaps want to chat for a bit?

Y/n: Sure, got nothing better to do right now.


Klein and Y/n sat down and talked while taking sips from their respective drinks.

Klein: Mind if I ask. Who was that young lady you talked to yesterday?

Y/n looked at Klein with a raised eyebrow confused at who he was talking about.

Y/n: Hmm?

Klein: That silver haired girl. She did ask you out correct? I saw that card she gave you. It was her number correct?

Klein looked at the Schnee with a giant teasing grin. Y/n blushed as he inwardly sighed.

Y/n: No, she gave me an address.

Klein: Oh my, how bold of her.

Y/n gave a deadpan look at the family servant.

Y/n: Klein, I may enjoy your jokes. But this is not one of those times.

Klein chuckled in mirthfullness.

Klein: In all seriousness. Where does that address lead to?

Y/n: Somewhere in Mantle. The slums part of the city.

Klein's mood instantly shifted into one of concern as he thought Y/n was getting in something dangerous for his age.

Y/n: Don't worry Klein. I'll be fine. I'm confident that I can protect myself from any danger.

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