Auld Lang Syne

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Molly stood on the landing, turning the envelope over in her hands. She knocked softly on the door. 'George? You've got a letter from Lee, and breakfast is ready...' There was no response. Molly hesitated for a moment, her hand hovering over the doorknob. Instead, she bent and slid the envelope under the door, then swiftly pattered down the stairs.

Inside the darkened bedroom, George stared at the pale square on the floor, just beyond the edge of the rug next to the bed. He slowly placed his feet to the floor and slid off the edge of the narrow mattress, picking up the stiff envelope. Elegant calligraphy adorned the envelope, in place of Lee's usual nearly-illegible scrawl. Must have had it professionally done, George mused. He turned it over and ripped the envelope open, pulling out the card inside. Lee was doing a broadcast of his show on New Year's Eve at the Leaky Cauldron. Must be a swanky do, if he's sent out the fancy invites. George flipped the card over, revealing an untidy message from Lee.


Please come. You haven't been anywhere in ages. Everyone misses you, mate.

Bring Ron and Harry, too.

And feel free to bring a date! And if Harry and Ron want to bring Ginny and Hermione, the more the merrier.


George sighed and dropped the invitation on the desk. People kept telling him he didn't have to bury himself. First Katie, then Percy. 'New year... Maybe I ought to get out a bit more...' It wouldn't be so hard if he didn't feel so guilty about going out and having fun without Fred. He swallowed hard and opened the bedroom door. At least Christmas was over and George had been neglecting the shop dreadfully for the last week. 'Just get in there and do it, George, just like you did in August...' He padded down the stairs and into the kitchen. The murmurs around the table died for a brief moment, then quickly began again. George was relieved when they ignored his reappearance, and took his seat at the scrubbed wooden table. He accepted a bowl of porridge from Molly and stirred sugar and raisins into it. 'So, erm... Lee's doing his show on Thursday night from the Leaky Cauldron, if you want to go,' he said to Harry, Ron, and Ginny.

'Like a party?' Ginny asked.

'Yeah, I suppose...' George bent his head over his bowl.

'Dress robes?' Ron asked, his lip curling in distaste.

George shrugged. 'If you want. Invitation just said dressy attire.'

'I'm game, as long I can wear something besides dress robes,' Ron muttered. 'Can I bring Hermione?'

'Of course you can,' George said crossly. 'Didn't I just say that?'

'No.' Ron kept his eyes on his breakfast.

'Well, you can,' George mumbled shortly.

Harry eyed Ginny and tilted his head toward George, raising an eyebrow in inquiry. Ginny spread jam on her toast and gazed at George while she nibbled the edges for a moment before she nodded. 'Might be fun,' she murmured.

'Will you two stop doing that?' Ron exclaimed.

'Stop doing what?' Harry asked, glancing down confusedly at his hands. They were both visible above the table, as were Ginny's.

'That thing where you don't actually talk to each other!' Ron huffed. 'It's a bit weird, isn't it?'

'Did you have a row with Hermione or something?' George asked Ron. 'You're not normally in a strop unless you've had a row with your better half.' He glanced at Harry. 'Make that halves.'

'Oh, ha-bloody-ha,' Ron grunted, annoyed. 'Are you going to come into the shop today or not?'

'I thought I'd check the inventory to see what we're low on. I figure we'll have some students come by before they go back to school.' George toyed with his spoon.

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