Everywhere but your lips [M]

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Everywhere but your lips by demondreaming on fanfiction.net


She's kissed you everywhere. Everywhere but your lips.

The first kiss was on your cheek, a little over two years ago. Her lips were soft, wet with strawberry lipgloss, and you'd grimaced and swiped your hand over the mark she left, fingertips sticky. You'd made a noise of disgust, nose wrinkling, but she'd just smiled and leaned back, like she knew a little secret you didn't. And she must've, because the next time she kissed your cheek you didn't say a word, hands folded in your lap.

You were already with Daehyun by then, but Jennie managed to kiss your cheek before Daehyun ever did. She beat him everywhere.

Everywhere but your lips.

She kissed your hand next. Jennie has a habit of toying with your hand, wriggling her fingers through the gaps in yours, tracing the lines of your palm. You let her do it because it keeps her quiet, and if no one sees you when Jennie is touching you, you don't mind it nearly so much. If they were to see you, they might think you like it, and that's not the kind of person you are. You were watching a movie with her, screen flickering as you both sat in the dark, a few couples munching on popcorn, scattered throughout the theatre. It'd been some coming-of-age story about fumbling teenagers and life lessons and love, and if it hadn't been based around a murder, you wouldn't have seen it at all. You'd been focused on the screen when the tickling touch of Jennie's fingers on your palm was replaced by something much softer. Your fingers had flexed automatically, but you'd kept your eyes on the screen and your breath held in your throat. Like you'd never even noticed. But Jennie had, and her eyes burned over you as you felt her lips touch your hand again, soft as flower petals.

You wanted to say something then, to pull your hand away from where it rested in her lap afterwards, to tell her that people didn't do this, that it wasn't normal, but since when have you ever wanted something normal? The reasons to keep quiet screamed so much louder than the ones that said you should stop it now. To talk about it would make it mean something, and there are some subjects you just avoid. Particularly matters of the heart.

The next kiss came nearly a month later. At a sleepover. You were painting your nails black, all the colours Jennie had tried to persuade you into discarded by the bed. Jennie's nails were a minty green, still sticky. She braided your hair, weaving a thick rope down your back, fingers deft in their movements. A few strands had stuck to her nails, getting torn out when she moved her hand away, and you'd made a soft, sharp sound without meaning to, a twinge of pain in your scalp. She'd shushed you, stroking the braid more cautiously, and the scowl on your face had frozen as her lips brushed your neck, right where the gentle slope of your shoulder began.

I'm sorry.

She'd whispered the words into your skin, into your pulse, while you fought the urge to shiver, shoulders stiff under her hands. You could feel the smile in her lips as she moved away. She never mentioned the kisses, never talked about them. She didn't have to. She knew you'd never say a word about them. Your body told her all she needed to know. Her kisses were secrets she left on your skin, inscribed in invisible ink, your fingers the only thing that could reveal them. They left a scar underneath the skin, a mark that twinged when you pressed over the places she'd brushed. Your cheek. Your hand. Your neck. A leopard can't change its spots, and Jennie was turning you into one, painting every immovable rosette with her lips, one at a time.

It was only a week later that Daehyun kissed you in the same spot, arms wrapped around you, chest hard against your back. You barely felt it, like Jennie had burned that spot numb, in the shape of her lips. It'd still sent your heart racing, but instead of thoughts of Daehyun, it was Jennie's fluttering touch that clouded your mind. You told Daehyun you didn't like having your neck kissed then. You lied. You'd twisted in his arms, turned and kissed him, his lips broad and cold, and your lips at least were one thing Jennie hadn't marked. One thing you could still give to Daehyun.

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