Mr & Mrs Malfoy

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If someone had told you a year ago that you were willingly about to share a night at the residence of a Death eater, you'd have told them they were crazy. Evidently, a lot can happen in a year.

According to Severus, Albus wasn't particularly happy with the two of you leaving the grounds, which was understandable considering the circumstances but he didn't impede the plans, which was honestly disappointing. As the hours of Friday ticked by, you were starting to feel like saying yes was a big mistake.

There was no turning back though. You'd already apparated to a spot near Malfoy Manor. It was in the middle of nowhere. Dark, foreboding and heavily gated. Splendid.

Severus watched you as you settled yourself from apparating. Since your accident it was something that you lacked confidence in. In fact, you were so apprehensive that you had allowed him to take your hand for it. However, your hands were covered by thick, black leather gloves, something that seemed purposeful considering the weather was not yet cold enough for gloves.

"We should get up there..." Severus noted quietly, knowing that Lucius did not like to be left waiting. "But before we do..." Severus didn't know what to say really, pep talks weren't exactly his forte, " careful tonight. Watch what you say...outloud. Lucius is suspicious and it would not be unlike him to have us spied upon whilst we're here. Best not talk about Draco either, his Mother is extremely protective of the boy."

Nodding your agreement, you didn't take your examining glare off the grey mansion before you. It was pristine but not a single feeling of warmth came from it.

Severus removed his wand from the inside of his best black cloak, twisted it in his grasp and seemed to elongate himself slightly. The crease lines of worry that etched into his forehead smoothed out as his expression became near emotionless. It was then that he pushed himself forward, quickly looking back for you to follow.

Your short leather boots felt like they had been lined with lead. Each step heavy and strained until they planted you on the spot next to Severus in front of the intricately carved hardwood door. It opened without a creak but the leather of your gloves seemed to squeak loudly as you balled your hands up behind your back.

Both yours and Severus' heads dropped slowly, to the small, shabby house elf whose greeting was rather grumpy. He looked miniscule in comparison to the door.

"Get out of the way, we don't want them loitering out there all night," Lucius spat, hidden by the door, before kicking the house elf with the end of his pointed boot. The thud sound and the small weak moan made you wince.

Severus rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what Lucius meant and it wasn't because his guests may be uncomfortable standing at the door for so long.

Seeing your hesitation, Severus softly planted his hand on your lower back; the contact made you stiffen. It made Severus feel rotten but he pushed gently for you to go in, fearing you would bolt from the situation, or worse; draw your wand on Lucius for abusing the house elf.

"Do excuse my useless servant, thanks to a certain...boy," Lucius wanted to use more colourful language but refrained, "I'm now having to use my garden elf inside. Pathetic thing is barely house trained." Lucius gave the newly promoted house elf a disdainful look before he finally scurried off rubbing his little bald head. You held your tongue as you were ushered in, the door was closed and loudly locked behind you.

"Good evening, Severus." You looked up to find the owner of the inhospitable but well spoken voice. Upon your eyes flitting up the double breadth stairs, there you found her. Her straight blonde hair swayed at the ends as she slowly began to descend, the click of her heels on the wood echoing throughout the open space of the dark green hallway. Her sudden presence and examining eye made you feel small; she was beautiful, her clothes expensive and perfectly fitting to her thin frame and she held herself in a regal way.

In Memoriam (Sequel To Hope For The Hopeless. Severus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now