A Shaky Proposition

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Remus stood outside the potions room, his shoulder resting on the old door frame, his arms crossed, one finger tapping on his elbow, waiting patiently as students filed out of the classroom. They looked at him inquisitively, as they should, he was new (to them) and even he could admit -  not the most teacherly looking.

Once the class was empty, he made his presence known whilst you were busying yourself cleaning up the remnants of ingredients left out on the tables.

"You know," he began, "if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were avoiding me."

You stopped behind a desk, placing down the ingredients into an unused cauldron and wiping away imaginary particles, giving yourself time to reel back any emotion before speaking to him.

"And why is that Professor Lupin?" you inquired, looking up at the unusual professor. The late afternoon sun hitting the silver of his scars.

Remus smiled, it was warm, inviting even but you were not accepting invitations of any sort. Hogwarts was no longer your old haunting ground, it was a means to an end. Perhaps one that would end sooner than you ever imagined.

"You do remember, don't you?" he asked.

"I do...." you sighed quietly, "of course I do," you dipped your eyes from him, a telling sign of a lie, "The first week back to school is always very busy, and with Draco Malfoy pitching a fit about his injury all week and therefore causing a huge pain in the arse for both Dumbledore and S...Professor Snape; I was left with far more work than I had planned for." Not to mention, you were a bit of an arse to Severus...not that that should matter now, you scalded.

"I am sorry to hear that," he said with genuine kindness, and that was all you had ever personally seen from Remus; kindness. "Forgive me, I didn't come with the intention of an inquisition."

"Don't worry about it," you reassured him, packing your bag with a class's worth of parchments and heading towards him. "Professor Snape will be needing the classroom for next period."

Remus held up his hands, "Say no more, that is definitely my cue to leave."

Not wanting to pry any more than he needed, he didn't ask why you kept calling your mutual colleague, and according to a few sources, your significant other, by his teaching name. Remus relished his newfound stability in his life and was only looking to find his place there once again, and form new friendships; if he could.

He stepped in line with you, as you now both made your way up into the life of the castle; Remus endeavoured to make conversation.

"Minerva tells me you practically taught Dark Arts last year...I was wondering if I could get your opinion on tomorrow's class."

"Minerva exaggerates," you waved off, Lockhart's fraud may have come to light in the walls of the school but that's where it ended. To coin a muggle phrase, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, and you weren't about to be the whistleblower. "But I am intrigued."

Remus beamed and leaned in slightly closer, away from the prying ears of students who may spoil his surprise. "A Boggart," he gleefully whispered.

"You have one?" You asked, undeniably interested and impressed. The first-week one the job and he was starting with a Boggart. It was a darn sight more impressive than Cornish Pixies; the pupils would both hate it and love it. After the last few years at Hogwarts, the kids could probably do with turning their nightmares into giggles.

"I do," he replied, nodding his head, waiting for your response.

"Start off strong...I like it," you affirmed and that seemed to be all Remus needed. He put his hands into his pockets and smiled to himself as he turned away to a group of rowdy 16-year-olds.

In Memoriam (Sequel To Hope For The Hopeless. Severus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now