Chapter 7 The Incident

Start from the beginning

"No its fine yea i am a lot happier there than i am now...cause ever since that incident it was a game changer for me...who knew that in college 2 years out of those 4 years my life would change and make me feel like a total shit." i said almost teary eye but i wiped them away "But enough of tha-."

"Y/n can you tell me what happened exactly on the night of the accident no pressure its just that from the looks on here to now you look as someone took half of your i understand you lost your parents but i-." Liam said but i cut him off

"You know i was planning on tell Freddy yesterday but all that happened so i couldn't but i kinda want all of you guys to know like Freddy, Chica, Roxy, Monty, you and Gregory." I said

"You wanna tell everyone what about your best friend." Liam said

"Yes i wanna tell everyone and plus if i dont accidents like that wont happen anymore and i feel like if i tell Gregory i think ill have some closure and laugh it off when people tell me "i did your mom last night" type jokes or like "your dad left and never came back with the milk" like i want to laugh at them but i hurts me cause i feel like i would be a burden." I said with a light chuckle

"Well thats good you wanna tell everyone including Gregory but the jokes will hurt like a bitch unless your into dark humor, also i think your good with the whisk now i dont see anything other than redness." Liam said

"Well who said i wasn't into dark humor ey and also good cause im tired my hand hurts but seriously get out i need to change already." I said

"Oh shit right your in a towel ok bye." Liam said and left

"Well wasn't that fun but should i tell everyone tonight or wait at least until the end of the month...nah im telling everyone tonight fuck it." i said in my head.

after done getting ready you went to the kitchin to eat leftover from what you had since like a day you  thought  well you hoped it was

"Hey y/n i already ate since Liam made me something." said Gregory

"Well you better have said thank you to him ok." I said

"I did dont worry im not that rude, and also y/n um summer is just 2 months away and that day is coming soon just letting you know in advance." Gregory said

"Right i know bud no worries we'll go like we do the last other times." I said

"Wait what are you talking about i wanna know can i come with what is it." Liam said

"Oh um y/n doesn't really like-." Gregory said but I cut him off

"No Gregory its fine...uh well since the accident every year i promised myself that i would go visit their graves with Gregory since the accident happened during summer." I said

"Oh ok ok well then nevermind i will not be joining you since it is family only." Liam said

"Heh thanks man, also imma call the boss and see if its ok to bring Gregory tonight so i can explain to everyone everything." I said

"Oh yea go ahead." Liam said

"Ok thanks, lets just hope he picks up ey." I said


"Uh l/n your um ali- i-i mean why are you calling s-so early." Mr. Williams said all nervous

"Uh sir you sound nervous are you ok?" I asked

"Yea yea im fine just amazed you called since you never really call." He said

"Oh i uh guess so well um i was wondering if i can bring my brother tonight with me to my shift if that is ok with you cause i dont have anyone to take care of him tonight." i said even though it was a lie cause he can take care of himself now

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