Silhouettes in the Settings Sun

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Our silhouettes stand together as the flashing lights of cop cars and ambulances stand before us. We step to the side as the staff team of the ambulance lead a stretcher to the now discovered dead body. We huddle together, some girls sobbing in terror, others cold at the sight of death being so close.  A couple of police officers come up to us and take each of us, one by one off to the side for questioning. I tremble in fear, as they slowly make it down the row of girls towards me. I'm the last one to be questioned.  I know for sure I'm not making it home before dinner.

"Last up! You!" The taller man in the police uniform points to me. He motions me with his finger. "Come here please." I walk up to him and his partner shyly. "Miss what is your name?" I scramble in search of my own name...

"Uhhh....Tay....Taylor... Taylor Hills!" I mutter. He smirks at my response. He flips over his paper in his notepad and begins to write.

"Hello Taylor, I'm officer Ray Hoffman.  This is my partner Derrick Cole. We have reported by your friends that you discovered this body? Is that correct?" They both look at my with confidence.

"Uh... yeah. See, I was walking minding my own business and this crowd of what seemed to be really pissed off girls shows up and they start walking towards me so I end up running. I noticed a dead end up ahead of me so I remember at the back of my head there's  a shortcut through the woods to my house, so I made my way towards the woods.  I look back and saw the girls were catching up to me and I go to turn back and next thing I know is that I'm tripping what I thought was a stick or log, but was actually a arm..." I ramble on. Officer Hoffman looks at me stunned as if he didn't get anything of what I said. He looks towards his partner and then back at me.

"Um, Ms. Hills? I'm gonna need you to come down to the station for some note taking and questioning. We don't suspect you and your not in trouble, we just need to make a report." I look around as if I could get out of this somehow.

"Uhhh... yeah, before that though.... Can I call my parents and let them know where I am?" They nod in agreement. I Call my home phone. "Come on mom! Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!" I whisper to myself as it continues to ring.

Phone call:

Mom: "Hello? Taylor!? Mrs. Clomp called and said YOU FOUND A BODY!?!?!? ARE YOU OKAY BABY!? Are you hu- " I cut her off.

"Hi mom! Yes I found a body during my walk. I'll tell you everything when I get home. No I'm not hurt. Yes I am okay. I'm going to the police station so they can take a report on the situation. No I'm not in trouble.  I'll  text you when I'm done. I love you. "  I hang up the phone.

"Okay I'm ready! " I jump into their car and head to the station.

Just An Innocent Girl Behind A Small ScreenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя