We didn't want word to get out and have loads of people want to visualize their dreams but we didn't want no one to find it either. The building we work in houses several companies. I've not had the chance to talk to them as they're often businesspeople always in a hurry to go somewhere. I began typing our contact information opting to put my phone number on there as our office had a number but we were shit at answering it as the only calls we get are junk calls.

If we're able to convince one person to participate, I consider that a win. I printed one copy of the flyer and set it on the table for the others to approve before I'd post it. I was thinking of posting it in this building so whoever finds it will find it convenient that we're in the same building. We have a bulletin board on the main floor but it's a high traffic area but I did manage to find a room on an unoccupied floor with amazing views of the city. Not many people know about it or visit all the time but I've seen people around when they want to get away from other people. There's a board by the lift and I can post it there.

Right as I finished thinking about the flyer, Bondy walked in rubbing the sleep from his eyes. It was apparent he was struggling because the laces on his boots were untied and his messy hair couldn't be contained by his cap.

"Mornin' Bondy," I greeted him. "How are you holding up?" I couldn't help the grin on my face.

"Better than Larry," he answered. "Larry got sick in the car park last night. Had to ask my mate to take us home."

"Sounds like quite a night," I commented. Bondy walked over, noticing the flyer on the table. Before I could hide it, he grabbed it and read it. After a few seconds, he put the flyer down.

"You were being serious," he said, looking at me. You could see and hear the shock which made me nervous.

"Erm...yeah. You thought I was joking?" I asked back. Bondy didn't respond but I could see him wondering how to respond to that.

"It's a lot of work trying to find someone. I didn't think you'd go through the effort."

"Yeah, well...I did a thing."

"What's your plan?"

"Was gonna post it on the bulletin board near the lifts of the eleventh floor."

"The eleventh floor? That company moved out half a year ago."

"People still frequent that floor for peace and quiet. I don't want too many participants and I feel like that floor has just the right amount of visitors. Plus that floor will be frequented by those who work in this building so having them come here will be convenient for them." The gears in Bondy's head were turning. He was starting to understand what I was getting at.

"That's brilliant..." he trailed off, thinking.

"Thanks," I said, smiling slightly. Sometimes I crave recognition for my work. It often gets missed when we're busy all the time.

"You got your phone number wrong, by the way," he added and I looked down at the flyer to see that he was right.

"Fuck's sake," I mumbled, opening the document to edit it again. I deleted the extra digit and reprinted the flyer, cutting the tear-off tabs. I wanted to start with one flyer and see where it led us.

Initially, I planned to get both Bondy and Larry's approval but Larry was taking ages to come to work so I excused myself and took the lift to the eleventh floor. It was still early in the day so the floor was void of people which I liked because I didn't want people to see me put the flyer up. There was one outdated flyer on the board of someone looking for a carpool buddy from up north. Reckon that person used to work for the company that moved out so I doubt anyone's gonna contact him, the poor bloke. I placed my flyer next to his and pushed pins in to keep the flyer in place. After I was done, I took the lift back down to the fourth floor.

For some reason, I was nervous. Not too long ago, I felt confident about my idea but now I was nervous. What if no one's interested? What happens then? To be honest, I didn't have a plan for what happens if someone contacts me. I could only hope that Bondy and Larry would help me.

When I came back, I noticed Larry sat on the couch, his head in his hands. He didn't hear me enter as he was feeling miserable, moaning to Bondy about his headache. I sat next to Larry and patted him on the back.

"Mate, why'd you come to work today?" I asked. There wasn't anything pressing. He could've stayed home to recover from his massive hangover.

"Because I'm stupid," he answered. "I dunno...I just thought we'd want another run to make sure we'd find each other again."

Larry is right. We do need to repeat it one more time for good measure. It's preferred that we have someone on the computer if two people are going under. There are just so many unknowns with two people compared to just one person. Even though Larry wasn't feeling well, the fact that he came here to make sure the work went on was noble.

"We could do another run but you're not feeling well..." I trailed off, looking at Bondy. Since Bondy worked here the longest, we have him make the final decision.

"You should go home," Bondy agreed. Larry shook his head.

"I'll be fine. Just put me under," Larry replied. Now Bondy and I had to decide who was going with him.

"Do ya mind going with him? I need to send an update to George," Bondy replied. George Harrison is the sponsor of our project. He wants updates every time something major happens. Bondy knows I hate sending him updates because he always asks me questions I can't answer. Bondy has more patience to deal with him.

"Sound," I replied.

Bondy walked over to the computer station to turn it on and I went to work grabbing the kit and unpacking it. I handed Bondy the plug-ins so he could connect them to the computer and I uncoiled the probes, placing one set on each chair. Bondy typed in the settings while I made sure the amount of anesthesia to deliver was accurate.

"Can you check the settings?" Bondy questioned, getting up from his seat.

I nodded my head and walked over to double-check his work. In the meantime, Bondy checked my setup, making sure everything was plugged in. Once he was satisfied, he told Larry we were just about ready. Larry and I made our way to our seats, placing the probes on our body and securing the mask over our face.

"Ready?" Bondy asked. We gave him the thumbs up. "Let's do it." He pressed the button to deliver the anesthesia.

REM // Van McCannWhere stories live. Discover now