Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Matt Donovan)

Start from the beginning

"I'll get it," he said, groaning a little as he got up. I sat forward, listening carefully as Matt opened the door. Hopefully this wouldn't be a big deal, and Matt could just quickly tell whoever was at the door to get lost.

I heard the murmur of voices, and then a louder voice that I instantly recognized.

"C'mon, Donovan!" cried Damon Salvatore. "Why are you being so obnoxious about this? Come make yourself useful!"

I sighed as I stood up and headed to the front door. I turned the corner to find Matt and Damon arguing in the entryway. Matt kept trying to push Damon out, but Damon stopped paying Matt an ounce of attention when he saw me.

"Y/L/N," he said.


"Now I get it," said Damon, turning back to Matt. "You're putting a date over helping us protect Mystic Falls. You know, a lot of people would say that's falling down on the job, Deputy."

"Alright Damon, shut the fuck up and get out of here," I said, walking down the hallway to where he still stood next to my boyfriend and the open door. Matt glared at him, but as much as I loved him, he'd never really been able to handle the supernatural intrusions into his life.

"You know, I thought a Hunter would care a little more about trying to keep the world safe from supernatural threats," said Damon as I reached him.

"Well it's a good thing I'm not a Hunter anymore then, isn't it?" I said. I'd finally gotten close enough to start shoving Damon towards the door, and although he wasn't moving yet, I was determined to change that. "Although, if you don't get out of this house and let Matt and I have one, single day without your bullshit, I might have to go get some of my old equipment out and make you stay out of this house."

"Now Y/N... don't tell me you're trying to threaten me? I know you wouldn't kill me, no matter how much smack you talk."

"I never said I'd kill you," I said. I took a step back from trying to push Damon out the door and reached into my purse, which I'd left on an end table in the hallway. It didn't take me long to find what I was looking for, and I quickly slipped on my vervain-laced gloves before going back to shoving Damon out the door.

This time, when I made contact, he practically jumped out of his skin and back over the threshold of the door. As soon as the contact stopped, he glared at me, but I just grinned right back.

"That was a dirty trick, Y/N," he said, taking a step forward again. I just held up my hands and wiggled my fingers.

"So is trying to use my boyfriend as bait or cannon fodder in every single plan you make," I shot back. Damon had stopped short of crossing back over the threshold of the house, but he was still scowling at me. "Be more creative with your plans. C'mon, I'm starting to think you're a one trick pony. Not very impressive for the famous Damon Salvatore."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, but a lot of tension that had been in the air a moment ago was gone.

"Fine. Wonder Boy will be my plan B. But if whatever my new plan A is doesn't work, I'll be back," he said, taking a few steps backwards and away from the house.

"Tomorrow at the earliest," I added for him. He raised and eyebrow and looked like he was about to argue, but I didn't give him the chance. "We're having a normal day today, which means you're keeping your supernatural drama out of it. Come back tomorrow, but only if you absolutely must."

I held my gloves out towards him for emphasis, and he just huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine," he said. "But if the world ends, it's your fault."

"Uh huh, great," I said, closing the door as Damon walked the few steps backwards down our porch. I pulled off my vervain gloves and put them back in my purse, then turned around to see Matt staring at me with his mouth open in shock. "What?"

"Nothing," he said, laughing a little as he stepped forward to wrap his arms around me. "Just... you're amazing. It's fun to be reminded of it."

I beamed as Matt leaned in closer, kissing me softly on the lips. I ran my hands up his arms and into his hair, and his arms tightened around me.

"I love you," he muttered against my lips.

"I love you too," I said with a smile. It was kind of funny to see Matt like this, especially as a result of me kicking Damon Salvatore out of the house.

Matt and I stayed in the hallway for a few more minutes, completely lost in each other. Finally, we broke apart, and Matt absolutely beamed at me, his eyes shining with a joy I didn't get to see nearly often enough.

"As much as I want to keep going, I feel like we should finish B99 before anything else comes along to interrupt us," he said. I grinned.

"Yeah, I agree. Let's go watch our show, and then we can get back to... other stuff... later."

Matt smiled even wider, if that was possible, and took my hand as we headed back into his living room together. We curled up together on the couch as Matt restarted the show, but every so often, I caught him staring at me instead of the tv.

I just smiled to myself. Matt was perfect, and based on today, I felt confident we could go the distance. I'd found my soulmate, and he'd found his. Nothing could stand in our way.

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