Chapter 4.

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Ok, I swear this is going to be less sad after the last chapter....

Jesse's POV


They had sat there like that together on the couch for no less than twenty minutes. Rob's tears had soaked through his shirt and onto his skin, surely leaving a stain, but Jesse didn't care. His only focus was on the body that felt so small in his arms. Rob didn't attempt to say any words, and Jesse didn't know what to say either. How was it that he always knew the absolute least, when he needed to do the most?

So, he just sat there, holding him as tightly and supportively as he could, running his hand up and down Robs collapsed back to the tempo of his breath. Slowly, he felt Rob begin to tire. He breath stopped hitching in his throat, and his body stopped convulsing. He just leaned into him with all his weight, breathing deeply and calmly into the fabric of his shirt.

Despite Robs emotion, Jesse felt amazing like this. He wasn't always the best at talking about hard things, but this, this is what he was meant for. He was holding a significant amount of Robs body upright, but nothing about it was uncomfortable. No muscles were strained, and no parts of him were squished, it was just perfect. Small sparks tingled in his legs when Robs knees turned even further into him. He could only describe it as both softly electrifying and strikingly natural at the same time. A simple weightlessness that led to a novel sense of entirety. A humbly beautiful paradox.

Jesse was no less than shocked when Rob so suddenly leapt from the couch and bolted from the room.

Stunned wasn't quite the right word, it entirely failed to describe the physicality of what he felt, but it was the closest he could come up with. It was like an actual part of himself was removed, leaving a hallow shell behind. He stared straight ahead, not yet coming to terms with what had happened. Although Robs smell and tears remained on him, the warmth that he craved so much had disappeared. The cool air on his wet shirt made him shiver, finally shaking him out of his state of rigor.

He awoke from his thoughts with panic. What had he done wrong? What was wrong with Rob? He seemed so poorly, and needing of his attention, so why would he leave in such as rush?

Rob was falling off the deep end, he had been holding him like water in his hands, he had done his best, but some of him was always going to slip through.

He didn't know what was going on, but he needed to be the one to bring him back.

Rob was one of the only things in his life that was constant. He was the only person that he could always rely on. Rob was made for him, and he was made for Rob. And he wasn't about the let him forget that.

Determination brought him to his feet and sent him out the door. As quick as Rob had gone, Jesse followed.

Robs office door was shut, but when he pressed his ear against it, he could once again hear the weak sobs to which he had become so accustomed.

Knowing that Rob wouldn't answer if he knocked, he pushed the door open and let himself in.

Rob was sat on his armchair with his head in his hands. He had loosened his tie and ditched his jacket. His sleeves had been pulled away sloppily from his wrists, and his hair was messy. The creak of the door made him head shoot up and Jesse noticed that his eyes were even darker and redder than before. His face smeared again with tears.

His head dropped back into his hands and he sighed loudly.

"Knock much? Fuck Jesse, haven't you ever heard of privacy?" His words were sharp, and louder than expected. Though his anger was not believable, due to the cracking of his voice.

Extraordinarily Ordinary - A Resse Love StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora