Beaches be Crazy pt. 3

Start from the beginning

"Um... I think I'll pass." She muttered, before holding up a camera from her bag. "But, I wouldn't mind taking pictures if you do it."

"At least someone's being mature." Draken huffed as Mitsuya sent him a smirk.

"Like you have room to talk, don't tell me you're not half tempted to take up her offer."

Twitching at the other teen's jab, Draken felt heat try to rise up his cheeks as he glared at the silver-haired boy. "No... I'm not."

"Sure, sure."


"Oh hell no!" Yayoi almost yelled making an X with her arms, "Look I'm all for watching your chaotic reign of terror but I'm not about to risk my own neck to help you burn the world down."

"Boo!" Meiko huffed before pouting, "You stick in the mud!"

"Oi!" Yayoi snapped, eye twitching.

"Yeah, yeah." Meiko waved her quietly glaring friend off before looking to the other boys, "What about you guys, interest?"

"No thanks." Mitsuya sighed, "I'll have to agree with Yai and Draken on this. I don't need Mikey after my ass, for burying him alive."


"Uh..." The blonde blinked a few times nervously looking between the whole group and Mikey.

"Oh come on!" Meiko huffed, turning to Baji. "Okay Baji-kun, what about you? You look like a chaotic force of nature waiting to cause mayhem. You wanna help me mess with Mikey a bit."

Baji crossed his arms and glared down at the shorter dark-haired girl, "You want me... To help you bury my best friend in the sand while he sleeps. You are some special kinda stupid!" He said, making Meiko pout. Until a wicked smile spreads across his face, stretching ear to ear. "...I'm down."

"Ye-ah!!" Meiko cheered double high fiving the teen, as Draken groaned into his hand.

"Great... There's two of them now."

Yayoi pulled out her phone, "Should I call an ambulance?"

Emma waved her off, "Nah, they'll be fine... Probably."

"I meant to send them to a mental hospital." Yayoi deadpanned, "Cause obviously they're crazy."

"Oh..." Emma looked over to the two dark-haired teens, who had now roped Chifuyu into their plans. "... Maybe."

Mitsuya laughed at this, "I mean who's crazier them for doing... that." He gestured in the general direction of Meiko and Baji. "Or us for being friends with them."

"It could be worse." Draken muttered jokingly, "It could be contagious."

"Uh guys..." Yayoi points to the group where now Pah and Peh had joined in the process of burying Mikey, and Emma, camera in hand, was helping direct the construction of her brother's mermaid tail. "Pretty sure it's contagious."

Taking a step back the whole group stared down at their masterpiece. Baji's arms were proudly around Meiko and Chifuyu as he patted their backs, Pah and Peh proudly patting their backs, Emma snapping a few shots as she smiled at the scene.

"It's perfect."

"Who knew you were good at fine details Peh."

"Thanks, Pah!"

"I can't believe he didn't move the whole time." Chifuyu gaped as Baji laughed.


"Good call on the seashells Emma."

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