Chapter 1: The Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Whose Mr. Stark?", The green-skinned girl asked. Did she just read my mind?

"Nobody! They're not important!", I tried to hide the nervousness in my voice.

"Really? Then who are YOU?", A boy in a red, black, and yellow costume asks.

"I'm nobody too! Now, could you please untie me! If you don't, something bad will happen.", I tried to threaten. It didn't work.

The boy pulls out my bag, taking out my costume.

"Hey! Watch it! I made that myself. Took me hours to put together!", He grins. Then it grows more big.

"Oh? This? Would you mind if I damaged it a little bit?", He pretends to act like he's trying to rip it, knowing that I worked hard on it. His plan worked.

"Okay! Fine. I'm Spider-Woman. Your friendly neighbor or whatever", They all look at me, raising their eyebrows.

"Your REAL name?", Another boy asks, he had short, white hair.

"Alright. Alright. Petra Parker.", I say. Please untie me now.

And it was like they heard me because the green-skinned girl went to go untie the rope.

"Now, why did you guys kidnap me? I didn't do anything wrong!", I ask.

"Well...Batman told us there was a hole in the sky a few days ago and you came out of it. We didn't know whether you were a threat or not.", the boy with white hair says. I raise an eyebrow.

"So you guys just kidnap me?", I give them a questioning look. They look away in shame.

The green-skinned girl gets done untying me and I jump off the chair. Everyone watches me cautiously.

"I'm not a threat! In fact, I told you my name. That's sensitive information. So why don't you guys tell me your names", I say. They lower their guards.

"I'm Miss Martian. My real name is M'gann. But you can just call me Megan", the green-skinned girl is the first one to speak. She smiles brightly at me. I have a feeling me and her are going to be best friends.

"I'm Kid Flash. My real name is Wally. And why do I feel like I've seen you before?", The ginger asks. I shrug, but I know how he knows me. So I play dumb.

"Don't know. This is my first time seeing you guys so...I have never seen you before.", I say, he shrugs it off and gives an "oh well".

The next one to speak is the boy with white hair.

"I'm referred to as Aqualad. But my king and others call me Kaldur", he says, holding out his hand. Does he want me to shake it?

I shake his hand back in response. Letting go was harder. There was a little struggle and everyone gave questioning looks.

"That's a strong grip you have there, miss", I sheepishly smile and eventually loosen my grip.

The next boy speaks up, the buff one.

"Superboy. My real name is Conner", he states. He grunts. Not the talkative type, huh.

The Big Battle (Female Peter Parker x Young Justice League)Where stories live. Discover now