01/12/22, 2:40 am

28 2 18

Ah yes, the first chapter, nobody will die yet...


He woke up to a sudden noise. He looked around in confusion. Tommy was asleep, so it couldn't be him. Again. He looked at the vent on the ceiling. Someone knocked on his door and he got up, going over and opening it just as the vent made the noise again, it sounded like someone was picking it up really quickly then dropping back into place.

"Yours is doing it too?" Wilbur asked, pointing at the vent. He nodded. Then there were other people, maybe around twenty people, all in the hall, all awake because of the vent noises. Another noise, but it wasn't the vent. "Is that screaming!?" He asked, pushing his way through the crowd. "Something's happening down there!" Wilbur yelled, starting in that direction.

A few of them started running in that direction, splitting up to cover more ground. He turned a corner and froze when he saw a very tall humanoid... Thing. It's legs and arms were long and it's skin was really, really pale.

And it had someone backed against the wall. With a little hesitation, he ran over, grabbing the guy's wrist and running back around the corner, running to the hall his dorm was in. The thing had fucking holes for eyes. He heard weird scrambling from behind him and looked back.

It was chasing them.

He ran down the hall, into the crowd of people. "RUN! EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE DORMITORY!" He yelled, dragging the boy towards the stairs. Screaming. "IT GOT SKEPPY!" Someone screamed. He looked back and immediately regretted it. Skeppy had been torn to pieces, and the thing was eating him like spaghetti, his blood and guts the sauce.

Alright, that's chapter one done.
This will be fun.

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