Sweet Kisses || Boscha x FEM! reader

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This is a part two (ig technically 3) to 'Gun's and Rose's', so yEah....... anyways. Nothing much here.

Warnings: Mentions of (healing) SH scars, gxg, your mom, I don't think there alot of warnings, just read with caution, Also !!READ THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS OF THIS BITCH!! And if you have, good on you, love you 😘


"Ey, are you listening" the three eyed girl cuts your focus back to her.

You two- well mainly your crush, had been studying for HOURS!!! On top of that you had previously spent almost three hours with her tutoring you because of your stupid potions teacher. Your brain just couldn't focus at this point. Actually your brain just couldn't work, your sure if Boscha looked close enough she'd see smoke coming out your ears.

"I- um" you looked into her eyes, you were too worn out to lie. "No, I wasn't" you sighed. Boscha groaned a little. Truthfully she also didn't want to continue, wich is why after a quick "Okay, get your shit together" you found yourself walking out of the school library with the girl close beside you.

You looked in front of you, the hallway getting closer and closer to the schools exit. Boscha just stared at her feet the while walking there. That was till she opend the big doors for you when you reached out to push them.

"HEY, I-uh" she looked down once again, a faint blush covering her cheeks while she rubbed the back of her head. The cold air from the isles drifting up under neath you and freezing you to the core.

You stared at the three eyed girl a little impatiently, her noticing this made her squeak out a "Um- I was wondering if I could walk you home" she looked at you before quickly looking away, her pink skin igniting into a red shade. You chuckled before responding with a smile, "Well I was hoping you would" you spoke gently, going to hold her hand.

Her hands were warm, contrasting your cold ones. It was nice. You two started walking to your house, the cold wind not being any help to your journey.

The events of the last chapter happend around 4 months ago. With Boscha's help you had gotten clean. It was hard work, and you almost relapsed more than once, but Boscha kept true to her word and stuck by you. If you felt like things were getting to hard to deal with you would just text her and she would be over in an instant on her palisman. She would stay as long as you needed, even if that was the whole night.

During these 4 months your feelings for the girl returned, not that they ever really left, you just sort of pushed them away. The way she would look at you, and hold your hand, hold you while you drifted off into sleep after a particularly bad episode, it just felt right.

As you two continued walking you couldn't help but let the thought of being with the three eyed girl cross your mind. I mean how could you not- she was lovely in every way. You looked up over at the girl, her own face contorted with a smile, a blush still rising from her cheeks. Boscha's eyes snapped over to you for a second before she holted her walking.

"What?" She asked, she looked almost scared. "Nothing, everything's peachy, peach" you giggle out the last bit, continuing to walk to your house, having to drag the pink girl along. You looked back and once more her face was ignited in red- "Titan, your adorable" you say. This causes the three eyed girl to hide her face in the ground, now taking the lead once more.

Somehow, you got to your house faster than expected. Honestly kinda upsetting. You walked up to your doorstep, still not letting go of Boscha's hand. "Can you stay for a while?" You ask, a smile stretching across your face. Boscha looked up at you. 'Titans, she's pretty'- "No, I'm sorry (N/n), I need to get home" she smiles up at you. The smile was sad though, and your was too now.

"That's alright" you say, stepping off the porch step. You pull Boscha closer than close, "There's always tomorrow" and with that you place a cold kiss to her maroon colored lips. Pulling away, smile ear to ear, you giggle before running up the steps to your house and quickly entering.

Boscha just sat there for a moment. She couldn't believe what you just did- Oh Titan! She- YOU! She can't comprehend anything. All she can think of is how nice your lips felt on hers, and for how long she's wanted to do that to you herself. She looks at your door for a moment, considering wether or not to go kick your door down and stay with you for the night or not- but she ultimately decides not to, fearful of how her mother's will react at the tardiness she's already racked up.

The three eyed girl sighed, shedding one last look at your house before starting the journey to her own humble abode. She had a dinner party to attend, and she's very late, her poor old friend.....


I want/ wanted Boscha to get a redemption arc so bad cause she's so pretty- but I don't think that's ever going to happen 😪. Some characters are just mean, and they stay they way unfortunately. But in the great art of       ‼️FANFICTION‼️ I can change that just for you! (Specifically cause of Blackteababy , don't get it twisted 😒) Anyways I'm rambling and idk what about anymore so I'm gonna evaporate into pasta water! BYE!!

971 words
March 31'st, 2023
Love, your mom's gf<3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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