23. Haunt her for the rest of her days

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Jacob pulled his cap low waiting to collect Betty from Martha an old friend of his mother's who minded her for him, Yvonne waiting in the car ready to whisk her away to a cafe's restroom to change her into the smarter clothes she'd acquired. He waited and waited, trust her to be late today, he complained in his head.
"Jakey!" She sped across the street leaping into his arms, he spun her around happily "you came back!"
"Aye. I promised didn't I my little Ray of sunshine. I never break a promise to my little sweet-pea do I." He kissed her head "Evie's waiting in the car and guess what? She's got a fancy new dress for you to change into. So we can look all swish at dinner tonight. Putting our head rags on. I'm taking my two girls out to spoil them. Super swanky place."
"Really? Is it yellow?"
"It sure is. Our favourite colour right?"
"Our lucky colour."
"It is, same as Gran. Yvonne's wearing her yellow dress. It's my favourite, she looks stunning. My two girls are going to match. You ready to meet her?"
Betty nodded eagerly, he placed her down walking along holding her hand, smiling down at her scurrying along eager to meet Yvonne, pulling at this arm to speed up, all fears of his sister poisoning Betty against Yvonne before they'd even met completely disappeared, replaced with an excitement and peacefulness that Betty's eager scurry might be the sign from his Gran that he asked for, he looked up at the sky, smiling contently, whispering out a thank you to his Gran.

suddenly Jacob was surrounded by a crowd out of nowhere, loosing grip on his sister. "Betty! Wait!" He called "Betty wait! Betty go to Evie! Betty! Go to the car find Evie! Yellow dress remember! Betty!" He called trying to see where she went "move!" He shoved the man blocking him only to be dragged down an alleyway as he kicked and struggled. He was thrown against the wall receiving a harsh punch to the gut.
"Fucking worm!" The man growled in his ear, holding his neck firmly "you really think we'd let you take her! She don't belong with gutter rat scum like you!" He gripped tighter "you don't get away with this. Sister for a sister eh. You take our sister, we take yours, sounds fair right?" The man asked, Jacob scuffling around trying to reach his gun "you'll never find them, they're both our whores now, deaths too good for that bitch traitor! He might send her back to you. Piece by piece. Once he's done with her. As for that sweet little girl, she'll grow up to be a Barnes whore!" he was knocked out cold.

Coming too, he looked around confused remembering where he was and what had happened he grabbed his gun from the floor next to him running in a painful sprint in the direction he'd parked a few streets away, frantically searching for his car, his girl or his little sister.
"Fuck!" He screeched out into the air, bending down to pick up a yellow flower from the bunch Evie had bought to give to Betty as a peace offering. He began to run in the direction of the black swan at speed, bursting through the doors loudly, causing the room to turn in shock. "Out!" He fired his gun, people scrambling out the door.

"Jacob?" Danny ran out from the back room, gun in hand. "What you doing here? I thought.....shit!" He grabbed his brothers blood stained battered face, Lenard appearing, wiping it off, Jacob pushing them both away.
"They took them! Both of them! They took my girls! From right under my nose!"
"The Barnes boys! I was ambushed, out numbered! Shit! Fuck! Get the boys together, every armed trustworthy man. We got to find them before it's too late" Jacob panicked explaining what he'd been threatened with
"Where would they have taken them? Barnes manor is too obvious, he knows you'd go there." Harrison loaded a second gun "Evie ever say somewhere they go? A secret place? Somewhere they take traitors? Or a safe house? Torture house even?"
"No. I....no. He didn't know about her ma, they wouldn't go there. It's the only place she took me. The docks? One of the lock ups or boats?" Jacob questioned, wincing at his bruised ribs, flapping Lenard away from trying to see the damage.

"Mr Evans?" A well spoken, well dressed woman sashayed her way in "I see you got our message loud and clear."
"Fuck you" Jacob aimed his gun at her forehead "where the hell have you taken them! She's just a little kid!"
"Now now" she tutted, pushing the gun away with her finger "fire that and you'll never seen them again." She helped herself to a drink.
"What do you want? An exchange? Money?"
"You'll never see Yvonne again." She smirked "but the kid, now the kid I can get back for you. At a price."
"You'll be giving them both back or I will bring hell fire down on you all"
"Now now. That's no way to negotiate" she jumped up to sit on a table "maybe I can help you get Yvonne back....after they've done with her. Can't guarantee she'll be in any state that you'd still want her back mind. We don't let traitors off lightly. She'll be lucky to be alive by tomorrow. Although saying that Calrke's got plans for the little slut."

Danny held an irate Jacob back as he scrapped against him.
"Now, the girl, how old is she?
"She's not even four yet" Jacob growled
"Such a shame. Won't be an innocent little girl by the end of the night, they'll make sure she watches the traitor suffer. Make sure she knows what's coming her way when she's old enough."
"You sick motherfuckers!" Jacob scrapped against his brothers, Lenard stopping Harrison firing his gun
"You want her back? I can get her back. Before anything happens to her. Before she watches your little slut become Clarke whore. Although by now she would have seen a traitors welcome home. Shame, she seemed like a sweet little thing."

"We'll give you whatever you want" Danny pushed his brother behind him "what do you want?"
"Him" she pointed at Jacob, wiggling her finger at him "come on, Jacob. I hear you like wealthy women of class. One fuck and you get your little sister back before anyone touches her or she sees anything that will haunt her for the rest of her days."
"Fuck you!"
"Fair enough" she shrugged jumping down
"One fuck and I get them both back. In tact. Untouched."
The woman thought a moment. "Deal. But I'll be having all the Evans boys for that. Starting with you."

"Jacob?" Danny held his arm "I'm a married man. Evans family rules! I can't"
"They'll make them into their whores. If they fight back we'll find them in the river, or worse sent back to us one piece at a time, Danny! she's a baby still! She can't see what they've got planned for, Evie! go last. We'll go hard on her, she might not want it by the time it gets to you."
"It's Betty, Jacob's right she's just a baby still" Lenard looked pleadingly at his brother "she'll never find out, Danny, we'll tell her it was just us." He whispered.
"Get on with it. Take her out back"
"No. Here. Where you first met your shameless jezebel traitor." the woman demanded "I want you all to watch. Let's see who can make me go over the edge the hardest shall we, I know you Evans boys are competitive. I'll with the boss man shall I?"
"Turn around you fucking whore" Jacob barked undoing his trousers
"Oh no, I'm going to be looking right in your eyes, mr Evans, I want the full works or no deal, make me believe it, Jacob." she grabbed his face kissing him, pulling him between her spread legs. "Fuck me like you fucked her. If I'm not satisfied, if you don't look like you're enjoying it, then the deals off."

"Jakey!" Betty skipped into the pub in her new dress "look at my pretty dress! I look just like Evie!" She gave him an enthusiastic spin
"Jacob!" Yvonne gasped, covering the small girls eyes.
The woman pulled away from their kiss, laughing loudly laying back on the pub table, pinning Jacobs body in place with her legs wrapped around him, letting out an over dramatic moan of pleasure.
"Evie?" He asked confused looking between her and the woman he currently had his cock inside, "Betty! Fuck! Get off me you whore!" He shoved the woman to the floor, turning around to fix his appearance. "Evie I..." he turned around but she wasn't there. "Evie!" He ran out after her.

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