2. Little miss Evie

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The Evans' celebrations were interrupted when there was a ruckus in the pub before silence descended. They pushed the door to their back room open a crack, drawing their weapons in the ready.
"I'm looking for Jacob Evans" a young girl announced, getting to her feet after being manhandled into the pub.
"Take his name out of your mouth" a man spat at her feet
"Pretty thing like you shouldn't be this side of the river this late at night. All alone." Another came closer trying to grab at her waist.
"Step away sir" the girl ordered nervously but with an underlying authority
"You gonna make me? Elegant little lass like you don't belong round here unless they're after a little bit off rough." The man froze to the spot when he felt Jacob's gun pressed against his temple
"I suggest you back away from the young lady, Swansey, wouldn't want to get your blood on her nice expensive looking dress now would we."
"Sorry sir" the man hurried away

Jacob cleared his throat stepping in front of the girl, looking down at the small figure. Taking in her appearance, well dressed, expensive attire, an accent that screamed of privilege and a good education.
"Been expecting you. Miss Barnes I take it?"
"I am looking for Jacob Evans" she spoke shakily, feeling his presence looming over her
"then you've found him." Jacob holstered his gun
"Mr Evans I seek I private audience"
"Do you now" Danny sniggered earning back on the bar "you got some balls on you girl. Coming this side of the river alone. A Barnes lass seeking a private audience with an Evans. Now that's a first eh Jacob."
"Everybody out but family." Jacob lit a cigarette "any one speaks of this girl being here tonight will answer to me personally. Is that understood? She was never here."

The girl gulped nervously as the doors to the Black swan were bolted shut with her inside.
"I..." she opened her purse, several guns clicking and aiming at her, she looked up to see Jacob setting out two glasses. His family all stood with guns aimed at her.
"You here to kill me, girl?" He asked taking a long drag from his cigarette "The infamous Richard Barnes send a wee thing like you to finish me off?"
"Didn't think so" Jacob chuckled "lower them. If she was going to shoot me she would have by now. This here ladies and gents is miss Yvonne Barnes. if I'm correct in my thinking, Richard Barnes is your father or uncle?"
"Now why would the sister of Gabriel bloodhound Barnes speak up and give his killer a false alibi?" Jacob asked pouring whiskey.

"You?" Rachel looked shocked at the young girl "who asked you and at what price did you agree to it? What debt do we owe?"
"I have not come to collect a debt." She placed her hand in her bag again, pulling something out "he does not know that I am here and it should remain this way." She said regaining her composure
"As you wish" Jacob nodded "so...."
"Next time you kill a man, do not leave evidence behind. It is amateurish and something I would not expect from an Evans" she took a few steps, placing Jacob's blood stained pocket watch on the bar "this is yours I believe from the inscription. J.E. That is you."
"Where did you find this?"
"In my brothers dead hand" she said blankly "no one else saw it. I took it before the police arrived. I presume he grabbed it in his last moments to make sure they knew who did it."

"So...you know for sure it was me. So I ask the question again, why give me a false alibi?"
"Because I owe you a debt I can never repay" she looked up at Jacob "may we speak privately. Our story must ring true for my father. For both our sakes."
"Anything you have to say, you say in front of us unless you're after his working class cock for payment" Danny laughed "Swansey's right, they all want a bit of rough"
"How old are you lass?" Jacob looked her up and down, he could usually gage but there was something about her, he couldn't make her out and he was usually a good judge of character.
"Sixteen sir, and I am certainly not after your working class cock or any other man's here" she glared at Danny
"Sixteen!" Jacob spluttered his whisky "blimey, little miss. Don't go round walking around these parts looking like that at sixteen unless you want your virtue taken down a back alley. Unless somebody already took it" he looked her up and down again "you don't look like the type to give it up easily though. Quiet ones you got to watch though. You daddy's little bad girl then, little miss?"
"Jacob!" Gran scolded

"you must be a very brave girl to come across the river of sin alone at sixteen, let alone what you have done for our Jacob." Gran patted the girls dainty hand "now, tell us what you seek. It is us that owe you a debt."
"You owe me no debt....but perhaps a favour and an honest answer or two" she glanced at Jacob "I will keep up my story either way. It comes with no conditions. It is a request not a demand."
"Honest is not a word usually associated with me, young lass. Very well. This way, little miss. Gran, Danny join us" he strode confidently to the back room, holding the door open for her. "So I supposedly heroically saved you from four thugs eh?" Jacob lit another cigarette "risking stepping into Barnes territory to do so."
"It is the story" she nodded, looking around intrigued "it will withstand if you play along"
"Got no option. I'd rather not hang." He and Danny tittered

"My father will seek a parlay with you tomorrow" she placed four photographs on a table "study these men. Give him the description and details he wishes." She placed a folded piece of paper next to them "versions of events and details so they match my own. Details only you would know."
"You're thorough" Danny went to pick the paper up, Yvonne placing her hand on it sharply
"That is for Jacobs eyes only." She reprimanded sternly.
"We will hear it all tomorrow"
"then so be it. The shock on your faces will only add to the facade. He will ask to speak privately with you. I am his daughter. I suggest you respect that. Understand?"
"I understand" Jacob stood up putting the photos and paper in his pocket, reaching forward to push her hair away from her face "based on true events I take take it, little miss?" He ran a finger softly on her bruised and cut forehead.
"Partly." She stepped away
"You alright?"
"An Evans asking if a Barnes is alright" she mocked his accent "never thought I'd live to see the day" she jested, the pair smiling at each other "I am fine. Thank you for your concern."

"So what truth do you seek, little miss?" Jacob asked pouring a drink
"Did he suffer? Was it quick?" She looked him in the eyes to gage his honesty, Jacob striding closer studying her eyes for a few silent minutes, trying to decide what she actually wanted to hear "I wish for the truth. I may be sixteen years of age but believe me my life is not as pleasant and privileged as you may believe. I am a Barnes. You will not shock me."
"He died slowly, in excruciating pain, crying like a baby and begging for mercy which I did not give him. He threw the first blow, I threw the last. I gave him a warning to leave, instead he let my mother's name leave his mouth in a torrent of goading, using Gran here as his final nail in his own coffin, so I made sure he suffered first." Jacob growled out bluntly
"Good" she surprised them with her blunt reply "then I indeed owe you a debt sir.....I have to go before I am missed." She turned to leave "there is boat travelling along the river tomorrow at midnight, transporting goods to London. The Daisy May?"
"Aye it is one of ours" Jacob nodded "what of it?"
"There will be an extra passenger aboard. You are to let them travel, no questions asked, safely, untouched. With no payment to your enforcers. Do this and you will have my eternal silence on the matter that accrued last night on the bridge. You have it anyway, however I am well aware how these things work, you will have something on me as I do you, so we are equal, both sharing a secret that could ruin us."

"You have my word, little miss. Thank you"
"No. Thank you" she nodded at him "To be blunt Mr Evans, this is a long shot that we can pull this off, so no slip ups, or we both will breathe or last breaths."
"Story will be water tight. I know how to play these games. You be careful now, you're playing a dangerous game."
"I am well aware. If you ever find yourself on the wrong side of the bridge after curfew, Mr Evans, seek out 34 Seamore street and ask for Evie. You will have safe shelter for the night. As a token of our new...alliance."
"I'll bare that in mind. Harry!" He waved one of his younger brothers over "row miss Barnes across the river, unseen route lad. Walk her down the shadows well into Barnes territory, as far as you can go unseen, here take a shooter. Harrison here will see you safely home, little miss Evie" he winked at her "can't have you walking the streets now can I."
"Thank you" she walked to the back door
"Oi!" Jacob slapped his youngest brothers head "eyes off and hands to yourself, you hear me. You show her respect. She's the only reason I'm not hanging. Shes also a ruddy Barnes so she's off limits twice over."
"Yes Jake" Harrison laughed running off after her

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