Part 17

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We walked for about two blocks in silence before we spoke. He gripped my hand like he was happy I was there. I looked at him a few times to see what his facial expression was like, but he kept looking away. I stopped walking. It was driving me crazy.
"What's going on?" I asked. He turned around and looked at me, his eyes were red. He'd either been crying or smoking a shit ton of weed. "Oh my god, Dean are you ok? What happened?" I moved closer and placed my hand on his cheek.
"Can we go to our bench?" he said, his voice shaky. I nodded and held his hand. I assumed that he'd tell me what was wrong when we were at the bench so I didn't push him to talk until he was ready.
We walked towards the bench right when sunset was starting. The sky was a beautiful reddish pink colour with beautiful fluffy clouds. I smiled at the sky as I flopped onto the bench. Our bench. I'm glad we had a place in our community now, this bench is our place. Our safe place. I loved it. I leaned my head up looking at the sky, barely noticing Dean sitting down next to me, kicking his feet up onto the bench so they were towards me. He leaned back on the arm rest and looked up at the sky as well. I switched my view from the sky to him.
His jawline looked sharp, his skin so smooth it almost looked like silk. I wanted to kiss him. To hold him. To tell him I loved him. I want to grow old with him.
I pictured him and myself, at our house somewhere in the countryside. We'd sit on our front porch on our bench swing we had there. I would read and he would look out at the fields. We'd be much older than we are right now but still look so beautiful in eachothers eyes. We'd sit there and watch the sun fall into the moon. Watch our children be parents to our grandchildren. Watch as our grandchildren play with our dogs, running, dancing, being happy little kids.
And Dean and I? We'd smile. Not at anything. But the fact that we were here, on this bench, with each other.

Nothing like himOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant