Chapter 7: Ariella vs. Leonardo? "Can you feel the love tonight"

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Words count: 2763


Later that day to the jungle. Mushroom and Skyla stride through the foliage, dancing. As for Leonardo, he wanted to be alone for a bit.

Skyla: A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-wimoweh.

Mushroom was walking or dancing ahead of Skyla as she was swinging her arms in a rhythm.

Mushroom: In the jungle, the mighty jungle...

Skyla was only a few inches behind Mushroom as she was doing the same thing as her best friend.

Skyla (in the background): A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh.

It was such a nice day to be strolling through the jungle.

Mushroom: The lion sleeps tonight!

The female mutated weasel was a few steps ahead of her best friend.

Skyla (in the background): A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-wimoweh.

The mutated dragon's tail was swaying back and forth a couple of times in the rhythm.

Mushroom: In the jungle, the mighty jungle...

With Mushroom being a mutated weasel and the smallest. She did a couple of her own zig-zag lines by jumping from one point to another.

Skyla (in the background): A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-wimoweh.

A beetle lands in front of Skyla and walks off into the foliage. Skyla stops singing and pursues it out of sight.

Mushroom: The lion sleeps to...

The mutated weasel tilted her head over her shoulder. "I can't hear you, buddy. Back me up!" She said with her eyes closed. Mushroom poses.

Mushroom: A-wiii! A-Skyla-bum-baa-weh.

Mushroom notices Skyla is gone and looks around. "Skyla? Skyla?" She asked.

Somewhere near an open field...

Skyla hums 'The Lion sleep tonight' while he stalks the beetle. It flits away from him. "Huh?" The mutated angelic dragon asked. "The beetle lands on a nearby log. Skyla drops into a hunter's crouch and attempts to sneak up on it. The beetle turns around hastily, and Skyla hides behind a tree. The beetle turns back around and climbs over the log. Skyla licks her chops and follows. There is a sound behind her, which causes her to glance over one shoulder. "Mushroom?" She asked. Behind her, there is a seemingly empty field. Skyla shrugs and climbs over the log as he grunts. 

Skyla stares at the beetle. A huntress crouches in the field behind it. The beetle flies away. A light pink and white dragon named Ariella wriggles her shoulders as she has a very tight grip on her tonfas-like batons while growling. Skyla notices her in the tall grass as he screams. 

Ariella breaks into a run while snarling. Skyla stumbles away in terror while panting. Skyla turns and races away, Ariella in a hot pursuit. Ariella chases Skyla into the jungle while roaring. 

Mushroom stood on her hind legs as she looks around. "Skyla?" She asked. Ariella chases Skyla around the jungle with her weapons in her hands and growling. Mushroom races to Skyla's aid. 

"Skyla! Skyla! Skyla! Skyla!" She said as she pushed some big leaves out of the way while running towards her friend screaming and whoever is chasing her. Skyla attempts to squeeze under a tree root but gets stuck. Mushroom skids to a halt in front of her. "Hey, what's going on?" She asked. "She's gonna eat me!" Skyla cried while screaming, with spittle flying. 

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