Chapter 3: "Be Prepared"

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Words Count: 1718

~*~*~*~ a geyser-ridden section of the Elephant Graveyard. Rahzar and Fishface's voices echo up the tall rocky walls...

"Man, that lousy Splinter. I won't be able to sit for a week." Rahzar said. Fishface grins at Rahzar, whose rear and lower back are covered in claw marks and slashes. He laughs behind his hands. 

"It's not funny, Fishface." The mutated werewolf/hell hound mix growled. Fishface laughs hysterically as he rolled around. "Hey, shut up!" Rahzar said as he growls. Rahzar lunges at Fishface. Rahzar and Fishface scuffle around. Fishface yips. From a nearby ledge, Ava turns and glowers at the feuding between Rahzar and Fishface. "Will you knock it off?!" She growled. Rahzar and Fishface break apart. Rahzar points at Fishface, who begins chewing on one of his own legs. "Well, he started it!" He said.

"Look at you guys!" She said. Ava descends from the ledge. "No wonder we're danglin' at the bottom of the food chain." She said. Rahzar sitting there on the ground pouting with drool hanging from his muzzle. "Man, I hate danglin'." He said in low growly voice. "Yeah. You know, if it weren't for that rat or his pesky little turtle hatchling, we'd be runnin' the joint." She said as she sits, glowering. "Yeah. Man, I hate that rat and his little brat too." Rahzar said. Ava juts her head at Rahzar. "So pushy..." She said.

"And bossy..." Rahzar said. Ava circles Rahzar and juts her head at him from his other side. "And stinky..." She said. "And man, are they..." He said. Rahzar and Ava jump onto their hind legs, back-to-back. "Ugly!" They said at the same time as they snickered. "Oh." A male voice said. 

Rahzar and Ava pause mid-laugh, looking fearful. Tiger-Claw sits on a ledge far above them and is briefly obscured by a steaming geyser. "Surely we mutants are not all that bad." Tiger-Claw said. "Oh." Rahzar said. The mischief of trio relax. "Oh, Tiger-Claw, it's just you." Rahzar said. "We were afraid it was somebody important." Ava said. "Yeah, you know, like Splinter." Rahzar said in lowly growl voice. "Yeah." She said. Tiger Claw scowling. "I see." He said. "Now that's power." He said. "Tell me about it. I just hear that name, and I shudder." Ava said. "Splinter." Rahzar said. Ava shudders. "Ooh." She said. 

Ava nudges Rahzar. "Do it again." She said. "Splinter!" Rahzar said. Ava shudders. "Ooh!" She said. "Splinter..." He said in a low growl. Ava shudders, holding her stomach. "Splinter..." He said again. Fishface rolls onto his back, giggling and holding his stomach. "Splinter!" He said again. 

"Ooh!" Ava said. Fishface sniggers. "Ooh, it tingles me." She said. Tigerclaw holds one paw to his forehead in exasperation. "I'm surrounded by idiots." Tigerclaw said as he rolls his eyes. "Now, you, Tigerclaw, I mean, you're one of us." Rahzar said in a low growl. Fishface and Ava, who are scratching themselves. "I mean, you're our pal." He said.

Tigerclaw looks away, unaffected. "Charmed." He said. "Oh, I like that. He's not king, but he's still so proper." Ava said as she holds up one paw delicately. "Yeah." Rahzar said as he juts his head at Tigerclaw. The trio of mischiefs didn't finish of disposed of the young prince who is the future king and his friend. "Hey, hey, did you bring us anything to eat, Tigerclaw, old buddy, old pal? Huh?" Rahzar asked. Tigerclaw glowers at Rahzar. 

"Did ya, did ya, did ya?" He asked. "I don't think you really deserve this." Tigerclaw said as he pulls out a zebra haunch. Ava, Rahzar and Fishface jump onto their hind legs, tongues lolling. They were drooling. "I practically gift-wrapped those cubs for you, and you couldn't even dispose of them." Tigerclaw said as he drops the haunch. The haunch lands at Ava's, Rahzar's and Fishface's paws. They let out a yip. The trio of mischiefs begin to devour the haunch. Ava with her mouth full. "Well, you know, it wasn't exactly like they was alone, Tigerclaw." She said. 

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