Chapter 4: Stampede in the gorge? Leonardo's in danger?!

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Words count: 2982


It was a bright and sunny day at the gorge. Leonardo and Tigerclaw were in the gorge as the young prince was walking towards the rock underneath the small tree. "Now, you wait here. Your father has a marvelous surprise for you." Tigerclaw said. Leonardo follows his uncle Tigerclaw through the gorge. "Ooh, what is it?" He asked with a smile on his face. 

The young prince was swinging his wooden sword that is a toy as he wasn't paying attention to his uncle. "If I told you." Tigerclaw said. Leonardo clambers onto a rock beneath a tree. "It wouldn't be a surprise, now, would it?" He asked. Tigerclaw grins. "If you tell me, I'll still act surprised!" Leonardo said. 

"Ho, ho, ho!" He said. Leonardo sits. "You are such a naughty boy!" He said. Leonardo jumps up on Tigerclaw's chest. "Come on, Uncle Tigerclaw." The young prince said as he was making puppy eyes. 

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is just for you and your daddy." Tigerclaw said. Leonardo sits back down. "You know, a sort of father-son..." He said. Tigerclaw waves vaguely with one paw. 

The young prince Leonardo just sat there and sulks. "...thing. Well, I'd better go get him." Tigerclaw said as he turns to leave. 

Leonardo slid down the rock as he bounds after Tigerclaw. "I'll go with you." He said as he reached the bottom. Tigerclaw juts his head at Leonardo, halting him in his tracks. "No! No." He said as he chuckles. 

Tigerclaw guides Leonardo back onto the rock. "Just stay on this rock." He said. Leonardo sits, with a poutful look. "You wouldn't want to end up in another mess like you did with those mischief trio." The mutated tiger said. "You know about that?" Leonardo asked. He remembers the first encounter with those mischief trio in the elephant graveyard while trying to escape and save his childhood best friend Ariella and Aries.

"Leonardo, everybody knows about that." Tigerclaw said with lips pursed as he was talking to the young prince, his nephew in a baby talk. "Really?" Leonardo asked as he ducks his head in embarrassment.

"Oh, yes. Lucky Daddy was there to save you, eh?" Tigerclaw said. The young prince also remembers that his father was angry with him but he was just worried. "Ooh..." Tigerclaw said. 

He wraps a paw around Leonardo's shoulders and draws him close. "...and just between us, you might want to work on that little battle cry of yours. Hmm?" He said. "Oh. Okay." Leonardo said. 

Tigerclaw turns to leave. "Hey, Uncle Tigerclaw?" Leonardo asked. Tigerclaw pauses in his tracks, with Leonardo grinning in the background. "Will I like the surprise?" He asked. 

"Leonardo, it's to die for." Tigerclaw said as he grins slyly. The young prince sits back down on the rock. Meanwhile, Tigerclaw walks off. 

At the top of the gorge, a herd of innocent mutated animals grazes on grass, while Ava, Rahzar and Fishface watch from beneath a rocky outcropping. Rahzar's stomach growls. "Shut up." Ava said. "I can't help it. I'm so hungry." He said. Rahzar stands up and stares longingly at the innocent mutated deer and stag herd. "I gotta have one of those mutated animals." Rahzar said. 

"Stay put." She said. Rahzar sits and holds up a paw in appeal. "Well, can't I just pick off one of the little sick ones?" He asked. Ava jabs Rahzar in the chest. "No! We wait for the signal from Tigerclaw." She said. Rahzar lowers his head sulkily. Tigerclaw appears on a ledge above Ava, Rahzar and Fishface as his fur was blowing in the wind. "There he is." She said. Ava frowns dramatically. "Let's go." She said as she, Rahzar and Fishface move off.

Meanwhile back in the gorge with Leonardo...

Leonardo lies on his rock, still moping on his stomach. "Little battle cry'. Puh!" He said. A chameleon hangs down from a branch and starts walking past Leonardo. He saw it as it was walking by him. He let out a small yet, weak battle cry. The chameleon does not react. Leonardo bounds after it. He tries it again. The chameleon does not react. 

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