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TW: Cursing, arrests, rough treatment, implied panic attack

Virgil's POV:

When we stand outside the police station, I can tell that Janus is very nervous. I honestly think that we all are. Just the four of us have come - we left the adults at their house.

The inside feels unsettling. The walls are a muted gray, and there's wooden chairs lining the back wall. In the right corner is a reception desk, with a middle aged woman sittinga at it, writing on some paperwork.

Remus immediately strides up to the desk, waiting for the receptionists attention. Behind her is the door to a corridor, and I can see policemen lingering in there.

"Hello, young man, what can I help you with?" She has a sweet voice, almost sickly.
"Hi, um, I have my friend with me. He kind of has an arrest warrent at the moment."

The woman looks confused, turning to look at our gaggle, and beckoning us over. We all approach slowly, Janus stepping towards the desk more than Zariah and I.

"And your name is?"
"Janus Griffis, ma'am." He replies, anxiously.

The receptionist raises her eyebrows in surpsie. "Oh! Right, that's helpful. We were close running out of ideas to try and find you. You're turning yourself in willingly?"
He nods, and she pulls out a new peice of paper, writing something down.

"And your name is?"
"Uh, why do you need to know?" Remus steps a little away from the desk.
"Well, you clearly know this young man. Knowing the wearabouts of someone we're looking for and failing to report them to the police is a crime. So, I need to take your name."

"Uhm, it's Remus."
"Do you have a last name, Remus?"
He breathes out heavily.  "I don't- uh-"

"Okay, well if you're going to fail to give us your details, we're going to have to arrest you."
Remus starts hyperventilating, shaking his head.

The receptionist gets out of her chair, opening the door to the hallway. "PC Greggors? Can you do me a favour and bring someone else with you to arrest these two young men at my desk, please?"

Remus continues to struggle to breathe, grabbing Janus' wrist, who utters comforting words to him as the two police officers come into the reception.

The first one stands infront of Janus, putting his right hand in a handcuff, then twisting his arm behind him and cuffing both behind his back. Meanwhile, Remus gets the same treatment.

The receptionist then looks to us. "And what are your names?"
Zariah gives me a look of 'okay let's do as she says', before opening her mouth.

"Zariellisa Williams."

I snicker. "Zariellisa?!"
"Oh, fuck off." She panders, laughing as she says it.

The receptionist gives us a dissaproving look at her language, but raises her eyebrows at me.
"Oh, uh, Virgil Blair."

The receptionist stills for a moment, before sifting through some paperwork on her desk.
"I knew I recognised your names. We got arrest warrents for you two sent through this morning." She reads off the paper. "Escaping a mental hospital? Yikes."

Okay, now thinking about it, maybe coming here wasn't the best idea.

"Officers!" She calls, and they look over.
"You need to arrest these two and take them to the looney cells."

One of them steps towards us, unclipping another pair of handcuffs from his belt. "The kids we arrest for insantiy just keep getting younger and younger these days."

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